Courtesy of The CW
A secluded cabin. A murderous ghost. A love triangle.. or is that a rectangle now? Does everyone make it out unscathed?
Let’s bitch it out…
As I had hoped, Enzo (Michael Malarkey) still has a prominent role in the show, even though he’s dead <sob>. And as I expected, I’m not sure how I feel about his new role in the show. Half the joy of Enzo is how he interacts with others and how his sarcasm bounces off others. So having him sit there and have conversations with himself doesn’t warm my heart as it should simply because he’s there. Instead, its just a little… sad. Don’t get me wrong; Enzo is still my pride and joy. But now he’s just channeling his murderous tendencies towards his only friend, and now there’s no one that can appreciate or play off his dramatic wit. Plus, the writers don’t take lightly to bringing someone back from the dead.
As we’ve seen over five seasons, we have lost some gems of characters. Some that were fan favourites and it would increase viewership to bring them back. But outside of our main stars, it has only happened a sparse few times. So I fear that I can’t really hang my hat on this idea that Damon (Ian Somerhalder) will be able to bring my buddy Enzo back from the dead. Chances are slim, and if they did it to everyone, it wouldn’t be as tragic for us when a character dies on the show and the writers would lose their credibility. So I’m going to enjoy Enzo while he’s around (likely through May sweeps and the end of the season) and then I’m going to mourn him every Thursday night, as I do my dearly departed love Alaric (Matt Davis).
Ok, proof number 54736282 that Elena (Nina Dobrev) is self centred and only cares about herself: a moment in the woods between best friends when Caroline (Candice Accola) is CLEARLY lying her face off and Elena just does not care. Caroline creates a ridiculously awkward and embarrassing moment for everyone, calling Elena out for lying, and when Caroline lies about why she did it, Elena just lets that go?! What best friend is going to let that go!? I thought for sure this was the moment when Caroline was going to confess her feelings for Stefan (Paul Wesley). But alas, another week has gone by with their subtle flirtation on the back burner while Elena is the centre of attention again. One of these days Stefan is going to actually man up and make a move on Caroline and leave Elena in the dust where she belongs.
Damon. Oh Damon. When you break up with a girl and tell her you can’t be friends, the best thing for you to do is actually stick to that. We’ve all been there. And maybe I’m taking this more personally than I should be and I’ll tell you exactly why – Damon giving Elena the metaphorical middle finger was exactly what she needed to bring her head down to a semi-normal size. She was questioning herself. She was feeling sorry for herself. She was wondering if he still cares about her, etc. She got exactly what she deserved: a little taste of not being the centre of everyone’s attention all the time. But then, as expected, he can’t hold the course, and gives in to her once again. So he keeps rescuing her, and then kisses her, and now she’s back on top. She knows exactly where she stands and she’s back in control. And poor Damon is hurt all over again. I hope all you Delena fans out there are seeing what the relationship has turned Damon in to. As you can see, I’m happy to remind you should you ever forget.
Other observations:
- I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: When Bonnie Bennett (Kat Graham) is involved in any plan in any way, chances are very high that the plan will be ruined. I mean, at least when she was a witch, there was a fighting chance she could fix things when they went wrong. Now she’s just completely useless as she sits by, holding Jeremy’s (Steven R. McQueen) hand and looking scared while the Travellers make life a lot harder for Tyler (Michael Trevino). Nicely done Bonnie. Once again, you’ve ruined everything.
- Finally! Our boy Tyler actually makes a bold move right off the bat, and doesn’t just sit by looking dumb and confused like he usually does. Proud of ya brother. Too bad all it gets him is having his body taken over permanently because Bonnie is too busy flirting about gentle looking eagles.
So what did you think of this week’s episode? Is anyone else as tired of these Travellers as I am? Do you agree that the destruction of the other side might just be worth it if it means Bonnie is gone for good? What do you think will become of Enzo? Sound off below!
The Vampire Diaries airs on Thursday nights at 8pm EST on the CW.