Courtesy of The CW
It all comes down to the love of a woman in this episode of The Vampire Diaries. Will Damon (Ian Somerhalder) ever recover when he inevitably finds out the truth?
Let’s bitch it out…
Sigh. My heart is heavy tonight folks. I became so attached to a new character on this show that my enjoyment of him surpassed that of the series regulars. It rivalled my love for the one and only Alaric (Matt Davis) – coincidentally, Damon’s only other friend. And sadly, my new favourite character has met the same end as my beloved Alaric. I KNEW I should never trust the writers of this show. I KNEW they would betray me! But I digress. The real issue at hand is how Enzo (Michael Malarkey), the tortured, sarcastic and brilliantly witty, has met a tragic end at the hand of our hero Stefan (Paul Wesley).
Okay. I can’t be the only one who’s confused about Enzo’s death. Seemed to me like he kind of killed himself. Now how does one “kind of” kill themselves you ask? Well Stefan had him in a tough spot, there’s no doubt. And Stefan didn’t think Enzo could be saved. Enzo was going to set Stefan on fire and kill him. Another important point. However, in that last second, when Stefan was holding on to Enzo’s heart, trying to decide what to do, Enzo has a flash of brilliance (suicidal brilliance, but it worked for his bigger plan). He sees that Stefan and Damon will never recover if Damon finds out that Stefan killed his only friend. One who suffered countless atrocities with him over the span of five years. So it looked to me like Enzo took that choice away from Stefan and threw his body backwards, knowing it would result in Stefan’s hold staying firm on his heart. And that is how one “kind of” commits suicide in an attempt to bring pain and torment on to other people. I rest my case. Stefan isn’t entirely guilty. He was still thinking about it when Enzo took that choice away from him. Right?
My only hope to keep Enzo in my life is that this show never says goodbye to its guest stars. In recent weeks, we have had visits from Grams (Jasmine Guy) and Vicki (Kayla Ewell), both of whom have been dead since season one. So I’m keeping the faith here. Enzo plans on making life hell for the misfits of Mystic Falls and I will gladly endure their misery if it means my boy Enzo stays around for awhile yet. Plus, I know I’m not the only one who caught the reference to Alaric and Bonnie (Kat Graham) having to say goodbye to her friends on the other side. This can only mean one thing – returning guest stars. And if Matt Davis is among them, you can count this reviewer in. Nothing could keep me away.
Other Observations:
- I am so tired of this “turn off the switch” BS. How many times have we seen this over the past five seasons. And I don’t know why they always immediately try so hard to bring the person back. They turned off their emotions. The entire point is that they don’t care anymore, and therefore don’t care about the pleas of the people they left behind. Besides, everyone knows it takes approximately half a television season, and a stint as a ripper, before the person finally taps back in and turns their emotions on. Geez.
- Tyler’s (Michael Trevino) eyes flashed black so many times that I couldn’t keep track of when it was him and when it was the traveller. At least when Matt (Zach Roerig) was inhabited by a traveller, he was a little more obvious about it. The past few seasons, Tyler has been a monotonous character, with very little range, so its hard to tell what’s Tyler and what’s not. Left a lot to be desired for the traveller storyline.
- Where the heck was my girl Caroline (Candice Accola) this episode? No mention of her at all, other than “you’re the only one unaccounted for”. Uhhh.. what about Tyler? He was unaccounted for. And in a town that’s being inhabited by travellers, Damon didn’t think it suspicious at all that she was unaccounted for? The only other person missing actually IS being inhabited by a traveller so I would think there might be cause to worry. But I guess Enzo didn’t need another hostage, and actually, his feelings for Caroline might have been able to stop his rampage so I guess she was better left out of the show this evening.
Who else was disappointed at Enzo’s demise? Are you also keeping the faith he will stick around somehow? What do you think will happen with the other side, and subsequently to Bonnie? Sound off below!
The Vampire Diaries airs Thursday nights at 8pm EST on the CW.
Nice review. I liked how they gave this episode to Enzo, but it sucks that he died. Enzo reminded me a lot like Klaus with his witty remarks, which was why I enjoyed his character. He did however kill himself knowing this would make Damon hate Stefan and in return have Stefan run that guilt trip again. It was a brilliant idea for a revenge plot because Damon was obviously not going to be killed on the show.. so this was a clever option. Only problem about the scenario was how guilty Stefan felt.. Not only did he not “really” kill him but dont you remember a cute little blond firecracker that Damon killed in front of him aka Lexi. Now I know the situation isnt entirely the same because Damon was being tortured for 5 years.. but Lexi did help Stefan through his ripper urges. Lexi meant just as much to him as Enzo to Damon.
Regarding Bonnie.. who cares. She has over stayed her welcome far too many times. I am interested in the other side’s turn out although I am a little confused why its happening. Tessa came back from the dead and the otherside didnt have any problems, as well as the Gilbert rings cheat death. Markos comes back and all hell breaks loose there. The one positive side to Bonnie is this connection she has to the otherside because we get to see ghosts from the past. Some I enjoy, some I do not, but it is always a treat.
Jeremy, Matt, and Tyler are still being useless as ever. Jeremys acting I just cannot stand. I am sorry if this bothers some fans of his, but his acting is weak, his facial expression are non existent, and for being this vampire hunter he is a wimp. He was given some shirtless scene screen time during his training, so its all good. Do you remember Connor? That guy was a boss vampire hunter. Jeremy doesnt have to go around constantly killing vampires or setting awesome traps, but at least show your strength. Tyler has the same issues as Jeremy. I really cant say I have ever enjoyed either of their characters. Poor Matt.. man that always gets worked.He adds nothing but the occasional chit chat. I laughed when Jeremy told Luke this was the backup he wanted. We get it Matt is likeable, but come on theres only so much one can feel for a character who constantly gets screwed over.
A couple side notes:
– Why exactly did the travelers do that sacrifice to bring back Markos He hasnt really shown why hes such a big deal. The only thing I can remember is he stopped Stefan and Elena from having those vivid memories. We have seen plenty of travelers do mind altering stuff so I dont see whats the deal with him.
– Liv actually does stuff while Luke does not
– Tylers eyes changed back quite a number of times when he was being changed up, and it kind of got confusing
– Elena studying? lol
– Elena still always being saved even though shes a vampire
– Where the hell was Caroline? I assumed she would be in this episode to calm down Enzo because it looked like he was growing rather fond of her.. Whoops just answered my own question
Whoops.. I completely missed the other observations part at the end of the review. I repeated some of the things you pointed out already.