Courtesy of The CW
Visions, true love and magic bring Stefan (Paul Wesley) and Elena (Nina Dobrev) back together again. But will it mean the end for the love triangle, forcing Elena to finally be alone?
Let’s bitch it out…
‘Resident Evil’ started out perfect for a die-hard Stelena fan like myself. Suddenly both Stefan and Elena are having visions of true love, about what might have been if they were still together? Yes please, give me more. The visions are this reviewer’s dream of true love and happiness in the day to day (especially if they involve real life Stefan!) And clearly the visions mean a lot to Elena as well, though not in the way that I expected them to.
I won’t lie – I was confused when the episode started. What happened to the moment between Stefan and Caroline (Candice Accola) in the back of the van?You know: when they fell asleep holding each other? That meant something, dammit!! And now all of a sudden, he’s “vision cheating” on Caroline, and Caroline is fine with it, acting like there’s not some underlying sexual tension between them? No, no, no. I did not wait all season for Stefan and Caroline to finally realize their feelings for each other, only to have those feelings forgotten in an Elena love haze.
On the other hand, I’m a die hard Stelena fan. If I have to suffer through Elena, it better be with Stefan by her side because he makes it bearable. Their adorable love makes her bearable. So as the visions continue, I assumed that this would remind Stefan and Elena about the love they had together (and still have?). However, their little goodbye chat by the fireplace put all those hopes to rest. That was the most disappointing and anti-climatic friendly chat, and is the complete opposite of where I thought ‘Resident Evil’ was heading. How can they declare their love for one another and then just sit there, talking about the potential for Elena and Damon (Ian Somerhalder) to be friends. Sigh. It feels like a goodbye for us Stelena fans. The writers have closed the book on this relationship once and for all, and they’ve taken my heart with it.
Finally Damon has a real reaction to the break-up. How many times do people break up and do the whole “lets be friends” song and dance? And it’s exactly that. A song and dance. Elena may want Damon in her life and to be her friend, but that’s only because she is selfish and can never see it. All she thinks about is what she wants, and what she needs, and never about how hard it may be for the other person to give her what she wants. So I, for one, am proud of Damon when he stands up to her and says he can’t be friends. Finally, someone is being honest with her and being selfish with themselves, no matter what it costs her. And in a show about vampires, werewolves and witches, the audience gets a reality that rings true for all of us, as Damon has the breakup reaction that we should have gotten all along.

Courtesy of The CW
Other Observations:
- Enzo (Michael Malarkey) is genius. He makes the show for me. The witty comments, the sarcastic grin…When Katherine (also played by Nina Dobrev) died, I was worried about the fate of the show. Caroline hasn’t shown her comedic genius much lately, and Katherine was always the one who could be counted on for the light hearted, sarcastic moments that carried the show. However, I need not have worried. Enzo gives it to us ten fold. He is a prize, and I live in fear every episode that something will happen to him.
- The show is really bringing out the big guns when it comes to guest stars lately. It’s something I’ve always loved about the show. When the characters die, you can never be sure that they are truly gone. So with the return of so many familiar faces, I always hold out hope that one of them will be my beloved Alaric (Matt Davis).
- I can’t be the only one who has a Titanic flashback when Matt (Zach Roerig) is holding on for dear life to his sister Vicki (Kayla Ewell) and tells her he will never let go. And Vicki has a similar fate to Jack in the movie when Matt inevitably lets go. Vicki hasn’t been a series regular since halfway through season one, Matt, she’s not coming back with you.
What did you think of the episode? Were you happy that Stefan and Elena closed the book on their romance? Did you cheer like I did when Damon told Elena to kick rocks with her offer of friendship? How do you think this traveller story line will play out now that another main character is a passenger? Sound off below!
The Vampire Diaries airs on Thursday nights at 8pm EST on The CW.