In its follow up to the show’s 100th episode, The Vampire Diaries brings in a solid episode; if you can get past the amazing, game-changing stupidity shown by a main character. Who’s responsible?
Let’s bitch it out…
Okay. We all know that I have never been the biggest fan of Elena Gilbert (Nina Dobrev). She’s whiny, annoying and self-righteous. But this takes the cake. In five seasons, she has never been more stupid than she is in tonight’s episode. I challenge you to prove me wrong. The fact that she didn’t kill the traveller who was performing the spell has to be her dumbest move yet, and possibly her last move ever. I mean. Come on. She wakes up to realize that Katherine (also Nina Dobrev) has taken over her body and she is witnessing some sort of ritual to Katherine’s dead body. The annoying daughter Nadia (Olga Fonda) then indicates that Katherine plans to have Elena’s body for awhile, and instead of stopping the ritual and killing the woman who can finish it, she simply knocks her unconscious and RUNS AWAY?! Elena, the supernatural being, just runs away instead of fighting and killing these weirdos. She doesn’t kill them!!! People are trying to take over her body and she just decides to leave the room and let them finish up. Great idea.
The dumbest part of all is when she starts getting all of Katherine’s memories and continues running away. I mean… I’m actually speechless at the stupidity. When she starts getting the memories, I thought that she must be running back to the tomb to stop this nonsense. That’s the only thing that makes sense. But nope. I’m moving on because the stupidity of this is jaw dropping. And now I have to sit through the one story I hoped they wouldn’t drag out for who knows how long. Sigh.
I know that I am a huge Klaroline fan. We’ve established this. But tonight, I may have switched sides to stand firmly planted behind another couple that has been burgeoning for awhile. The relationship between Stefan (Paul Wesley) and Caroline (Candice Accola) is just the sweetest. Steroline? Carofan? I’m going with Steroline. I am swooning inside as I’m watching them together. I always loved their friendship but seeing him stand up to Tyler (Michael Trevino) for her and then work so hard to make her laugh when she’s in pain… well it got me. My heart grew three sizes watching them together.
I am a big girl. I can admit when I’m wrong. And I may have been wrong about bringing Tyler back. But I haven’t switched sides on this one, I’m merely sitting on the fence. Because tonight I see what I used to love about Tyler back at the beginning of the series. Michael Trevino is fantastic when he gets to play the tortured, rage-y boy he used to be before he became all holier than thou werewolf protector. The scene between him and Caroline and then subsequently him and Matt (Zach Roerig) are a pleasure to watch. This is the Tyler I used to enjoy seeing on my screen. The only reason I’m still sitting on the fence is because I don’t know where he can go from here. There’s only so much story they can give him about Caroline’s betrayal. So I’m going to stay in the undecided camp until I see where the writers plan on taking his character.
Enzo (Michael Malarkey) returns! Now Damon (Ian Somerhalder) has a murdering friend, complete with a new haircut and hipster scarf, to share his pain with. These boys have been through hell and back together and after a quick break up, for Damon and Elena/Katherine, and then the slaughter of Aaron (Shaun Sipos), for Damon and Enzo, Damon’s transformation is complete. We all know that Elena makes him a better man. That’s why Stefan put himself in the incredibly awkward position of trying to push Delena back together. But what fun is that for the show? We already have the martyr brother in Stefan so there’s no story in having two of them. The show needs the unstable vampire who could murder innocents at the drop of a hat. Katherine is going to be too busy trying to be Elena that it won’t be her, so that leaves us with only one option. Ah well, Elena’s too annoying for him anyway.
Other Observations:
- I was so hoping that Nadia the annoying daughter would be killed off, or at least be mad enough to leave town when Katherine decides to stay in Mystic Falls for Stefan. But I’m just not that lucky yet. I am holding out hope Damon will kill her in this new bad boy persona he’s sporting.
- When Tyler is outlining all the reasons he detests Klaus (an unseen Joseph Morgan), I actually feel bad. Klaus has such a charisma that its easy to forget all the terrible things he has done. Which leads me to wonder why Caroline bothered to tell Elena/Katherine about her indiscretion with Klaus. I get it that they’re best friends, but Klaus killed Elena’s aunt and her brother once or twice, as well as turning Stefan in to a ripper, and using Elena as a blood bank, among many other terrible things. So why would Caroline think its a good idea to tell Elena that she slept with the guy who has tortured Elena for years? Didn’t make sense to me.
Did you enjoy ‘The Devil Inside’? Are you glad Tyler is back? Do you agree that Steroline should be together? Do you wish I would stop using these couple names? Do you think we have seen the last of Elena Gilbert? Sound off below!
The Vampire Diaries airs on Thursday nights at 8pm EST on the CW.
Quite frankly I’m sick of Elena/Katherine, they both annoy me to no end and wish they both drop off the face of this planet. Never liked Elena’s self-righteous, boring self, Damon IMO can do much better.
Tyler really has no reason to be upset that Caroline slept with Klaus cause he’s the one that has walked out on her. Can we blame her for sleeping with Klaus, the man has charisma that can easily pull a girl in lol. I’m digging Caroline and Stefan and think that the two of them might end up together just to annoy Katherine and see Caroline as a road block in trying to get Stefan.
Elena should have killed the chick, but it really isn’t in her character to do that. That being said, I really like the idea of Katherine in Elena’s body. I was very worried Elena would come back all too quickly. Can we all please start calling her Superior Elena (in case you aren’t a Spider-Man fan, the Superior Spider-Man series that has been going on lately involves Doc Ock basically doing the same thing to Peter Parker)?
I like Leslie’s point about Caroline and Stefan.
I quite enjoyed this episode. It was rather predictable from what has happened before but it really freshens up the series. I’m hoping that Katherine stay around for a long long time.
This season of tvd isnt making any sense to me…i got the feeling they dont even know where they r going…first silas then the secret society and Now katherine possessing Elena?i think the main problem is that they just dont Wanna let old characters die the result is that they dont know what to do with those characters anymore…im taking about tyler,matt,jeremy,bonnie the writers forget about them when its more convenient. Also i dont see any personal growth for any of the characters except for stefan. I mean Elena is still boring damon went crazy again karoline is still judgemental i thought that moving to collage and away from mf would make a change but Now they r all back there…so disapointed i used to love this show last season was awesome