Courtesy of The CW
There used to be some magic to this show… but this week’s episode makes me wonder whether the magic burned up in the Gilbert house with poor Jeremy (Steven R. McQueen).
Let’s bitch it out..
This week I decided to try and introduce the show to a newcomer; someone who has no history whatsoever with it. A clean slate. Well, that was a bad idea. This was probably the worst episode since Damon (Ian Somerhalder) took Elena (Nina Dobrev) on the frat house killing spree earlier this season. I found myself saying “this show is usually so much better” numerous times, which is never a good sign to a newcomer.
I mean, come on. Emotionless Elena (Nina Dobrev) is basically just Katherine and she’s annoying on top of that. She actually has the gall to try and kill Caroline (Candice Accola)?!?! The stunt at the cheerleading competition is bad enough but when she attacks Caroline with a stake, I realize that I’ve completely written off this storyline. I’m not sure if there’s any coming back from this for me. There’s no end in sight to Emotionless Elena, and Damon is now encouraging it, and let’s not forget that the best part of the Gilbert family is now gone..sigh… I just don’t see how the season can recover if this is what the new Elena is going to be like.
I realize that they are working up to a spinoff for the Originals with Hayley (Phoebe Tonkin) and they need to give us some background for how on earth they decided to cast her in the show… but wow. Her terrible acting actually ruins the Klaus (Joseph Morgan) scenes for me!!! Now that is hard to do because we all know how much I love him. ‘Bring It On’ somehow manages to bore me even when Klaus is on the screen – it’s enough to make a girl long for the good old days of his verbal sparring and heated chemistry with my girl Caroline. This is the first time I’ve been concerned about how the (proposed) spinoff is going to go, and I can only hope that Elijah (Daniel Gillies) will bring back the magic that the Originals are lacking – that is assuming of course that he has plans to come back.. (considering his weird doctor show didn’t work out, I’m hoping it’s a no brainer).

Courtesy of The CW
Other Observations:
- Can I get a hallelujah that Tyler (an unseen, only heard Michael Trevino) is finally gone for good? I liked the Tyler character back in the day, but this season he has been a complete waste of space. It ‘s about time they cut the apron strings on this one. Now Caroline can mourn his loss and move on to Klaus. Or Matt (Zach Roerig). But not Stefan (Paul Wesley)… because WTF is that ??! Flirting and laughing and dancing together at Emotionless Elena’s impromptu (read: dumb) dance party… I feel like I’m in an alternate universe. Stefan and Caroline give me the icks when I think of them that way. No thanks.
- You know things are pretty bad when I actually wonder where Bonnie (Kat Graham) is. Does she know yet that “Shane” (David Alpay) is actually Silas and that the real Shane is dead on the island? Has she joined forces with the dark side? Does she even know that Jeremy has been burned to the ground?! I can’t believe I’m wondering about poor Bonnie <shakes head>
- Why do these guys not seem overly concerned about Silas being in Mystic Falls? He’s apparently the greatest evil of all time, and Kol (Nathaniel Buzolic) was willing to do anything to ensure Silas was never woken, but nobody seems all that concerned that he’s out in the world now. They let him out on that island, he ran off somewhere and they don’t even care where he went? Well that’s not very responsible of our little band of misfits.
- Praise the Lord that they don’t make me sit through a memorial for Jeremy. I sobbed uncontrollably at Jenna’s (Sara Canning) funeral, and cried like a little baby when Alaric (Matt Davis) died. I would not have been able to hold it together while we said goodbye to Jeremy too, so I’m grateful they don’t rip my heart out for a second episode in a row. The burning was enough for a lifetime.
- I literally wanted to slap Emotionless Elena when she utters Alaric’s name. She is not even worthy of speaking his name, let alone using the skills he gave her to try to kill her best friend. He would be ashamed of what she’s become. Maybe its selfish (okay, its totally selfish) but I’m hoping Alaric returns for another graveside chat like in the premiere episode so he can knock some sense into Damon. Plus Matt Davis’ new show is tanking, so this could actually happen soon!
- Finally, the title is ‘Bring It On’ and features Emotionless Elena returning to the cheerleading squad. That’s trying a little too hard
Watching ‘Bring It On’ makes me sad because it…kinda sucks. This show has such amazing potential that is nowhere to be seen right now and I’m quickly losing hope. Am I alone? If you were a newcomer and this is the first episode you saw, would you keep watching? Do you like Emotionless Elena? Where do you think the Silas storyline is going? Let me know your thoughts below!
The Vampire Diaries airs Thursday nights at 8pm EST on The CW
Wow that was an incredible episode… Not in a good way. This whole episode was a waste. Slias is pretty much the spawn of Satan according to, well everyone, and they all just skip merrily along having house parties, flirting and forgetting all about poor Jer. Where is the Scooby gang? Shane is not Shane – does this not worry anyone! Let’s get down and dirty get some mystery solving going. Someone is stocking enough blood to make a doomsday prepper envious. So true TVD fashion of late , they will solve this problem by yet another road trip (to New York) to relive yet another of Damon’s past bar adventures, WTF ? Not even the amazing 10 seconds of Caroline & Matt’s amazing chemistry could fix this. Get your stuff together guys!