Courtesy of The CW
For a second week in a row, The Vampire Diaries pleasantly surprises me and makes me think that we are finally back on track in Mystic Falls.
Let’s bitch it out…
I love everything about this episode. Everything. Even Bonnie’s (Kat Graham) annoying personality and inability to bring anything useful to the table seems to be on the back burner this week as she actually contributes to the storyline for once! <gasp!>.
It’s an interesting play for Bonnie’s dad (Rick Worthy) to call on Abby (Persia White), her vampire mother, for help. The only thing I thought of during the whole scene is “how did he know where to find her?”. Pretty sure she didn’t just leave her number on the counter when she ditched Bonnie last season, so a little more explanation there would’ve been nice.
Regardless, I’ll just go with it because it explains a little more why Bonnie is in the race for the cure – not just to help Elena (Nina Dobrev), like everyone else – but also to save her mother. That’s a noble cause that I will support mainly because I like this new, powerful Bonnie; even if we can see it coming from a mile away that her reliance on this new magic will end in spectacular disaster. Bonnie’s creepily powerful now and she treats it like it ain’t no thing which means – on this show – that’s going to lead to death and destruction. But for now I’m just going to enjoy the ride.
As for our protagonist, Elena devises a plan that actually (sort of?) comes to fruition and works?! This must be some kind of record, as ‘A View To A Kill’ has both Bonnie AND Elena not ruining everything?! I’m liking it. The thing I like most about this is that Elena is finally something other than the damsel in distress (which is what we are used to seeing her play). Instead Elena fights back, particularly in the visceral scene when she rips the railing out of her stomach to save her brother. And – in the process – she and Jeremy (Steven R. McQueen) manage to actually kill an Original!!! No magic, no help from anyone else – just the two Gilbert siblings coming together with a plan and seeing it through.
I can’t believe I’m celebrating how totally un-annoyed I am with Elena! I might have to start believing in miracles.

Courtesy of The CW
Other observations:
- I honestly did not think that the Kol (Nathaniel Buzolic) storyline would be wrapped up so quickly, so I will admit that I sat up and gasped out loud when he died. There will be tons of fall-out from this genius plan, but wow it sure was good to watch.
- No Caroline (Candice Accola) again?! I am going into withdrawal! Caroline better be back next week for this trek to find the cure. As a slight concession, we do hear Klaus (Joseph Morgan) confide in Damon (Ian Somerhalder) that he’s afraid Caroline will never be able to forgive him (or love him), which makes me sad. I love the bad boy Original and the blonde vamp together and nothing would make me happier than for her to ditch Tyler (an unseen Michael Trevino) – he serves no purpose on the show anymore anyway. Alas, I don’t think a hook-up between Caroline and Klaus is too realistic right now. But a girl can hope <sigh>.
- It’s no secret that I love the Originals and their strange sibling relationship. I can admit that when Elena turns around and sees Klaus with tears in his eyes, watching his brother burn to death, I may have shed a tear or two (in empathy!). I’m not totally sure how Elena is going to get herself out of this without Klaus killing both her and her brother, but I am excited to find out.
- Would anyone else care to dare to dream with me that the death of one of the Originals will bring back Elijah (Daniel Gillies) to mourn?! Please let it be so.
- I think Rebekah (Claire Holt) deserves her own paragraph because I am so impressed by her, week after week. She has such a vulnerability when it comes to being loved and her desire to have the regular human things that she’s been deprived is touching (or am I just a big softy?). I found myself silently begging Stefan (Paul Wesley) not to dagger her. All I want is for her to go to her prom before the season is over. Let the girl get to one real dance, dammit!
- Re: Jeremy’s Tattoo: Yes, Jeremy, we can all see it, and we all like what we see! I’m happy to watch any scene that involves Jeremy ripping his shirt off or chopping wood. <drool>
All in all, I thought ‘A View To A Kill’ is a great episode and echoes the vibe of the old seasons I love. What do you think will happen next week on the trek to find the cure? Were you surprised that Kol was killed so quickly? Predictions for what will happen in the race for the cure? Sound off below!
The Vampire Diaries airs Thursdays at 8pm EST on The CW
My favorite moment of the night was how the tension between the gang after the reveal of Stephan and Rebeka’s love tryst was banished by a Hulk like ripping off of Jer shirt… Hopefully there will be a lot of map reading in the future 😉
I am so sick of Elena. Mostly because she is annoyingly indulged by everyone and now that her plan worked I’m sure she will ride that high horse for a good while. Hopefully it’s an epic fall back to reality. I’m really starting to hate her, and I don’t think I’m the only one beginning to hope for another doppelganger sacrifice ritual. I’m not afraid to admit that the only reason I’m glad she killed Kol is that now Klaus will try to avenge his death. Hopefully with some awesome Caroline love triangle action thrown in for flavor. Bring back Caroline or we riot!!