Courtesy of The CW
So…let me get this straight: the one relationship I have been pulling for over the past four seasons is currently relying on Damon (Ian Somerhalder) to do the right thing? Well this should be interesting.
Let’s bitch it out..
I know that in the past, Damon has always said that he can’t be selfish when it comes to Elena (Nina Dobrev), but I’m not sure that will stand up when she’s basically begging him to stay with her. She knows she’s sired to him and that changes how she acts, and she thinks she may be falling in love with him. Riiiight. Okay.
So that just erases all the years she spent with Paul Wesley’s Stefan (well…year for them, four years for us loyal watchers)?!?! She broke up with Stefan about a day ago, ran right over to have sex with his brother and now she’s ready to throw all caution to the wind and just be “happy” with Damon? This is all moving just a bit fast for me. I need time to adjust here people!
With Elena claiming she loves Damon, do we really expect that he’s going to tell her to forget about him? Sadly, I don’t. They’ve got miles of storyline we haven’t seen yet on the Damon/Elena front, but we’ve spent four seasons watching Stefan and Elena together. As sad as I am to admit it, I think I’ve got many episodes to go before I’ll see an Elena and Stefan reconciliation (if ever… *sob*).
Next unbelievable thing: apparently a vampire being sired is “one in a million” – it’s so improbable that Stefan had never even heard of it – yet Damon has now done it twice in 70 years? Really?! And herein lies a good example of selfish Damon, actually! He left poor Charlotte (Madeline Zima) to count bricks for 70 years and didn’t even think twice about her. I know she’s no Elena Gilbert, but hey, he did care about her at one point. The double sire bond in a short amount of time is such a gaping hole in the story that stuck in my craw, so to speak. I know Damon has gotten around, but one in a million should be just that. The whole idea is just a little bit too convenient for my liking.

Courtesy of The CW
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I love Caroline (Candice Accola). I can certainly identify with being the judge-y friend who wants you to see things their way because its best for you (except Caroline is much more witty than I am!) I love that she always seems to say the wrong thing for the right reason. She’s got so much heart that you can’t help but like her.
I actually had the exact same thought as Caroline about Elena’s hair when she left Damon’s den of iniquity to go to school, so clearly I loved Caroline’s catty comment about it. Candice Accola has such a flawless delivery that it makes me wonder if this is the way she is in real life. What I don’t like, however, is the weird sort of relationship she has going on with Tyler (Michael Trevino) right now. I’m not sure if they actually see each other now that he’s so caught up in his hybrid games, but their lack of connection shows. I can’t actually tell if they’re still together and keeping it secret, or not actually together anymore and just friendly or what. I’m sure they will trot out this weird relationship again next week and clear it up for us when they need to bring Klaus (Joseph Morgan) back into the story.
A few other observations:
- Bonnie (Kat Graham) is back to doing magic, but only with weird herbs, and frankly not a lot of power. But hey, the show needs some consistency amidst the chaos of all these love affairs, so here it is: Bonnie never actually helps (in fact she usually ends up making things worse). That’s just who she is, so why fix it if it ain’t broken?
- No Jeremy (Steven R. McQueen) or Matt (Zach Roerig) this week. I guess they are doing some brotherly bonding at the Gilbert house to try and keep Jeremy’s murderous urges at bay?
- We now know that Hayley (Pheobe Tonkin) has some sort of secret deal with Professor Shane (David Alpay) that will involve the sacrifice of 12 hybrids and in turn, she finds out where her birth parents are. (Is it a coincidence that Damon killed 12 humans to try to break the sire bond 70 years ago? Another strange coincidence) Regardless, I don’t actually care. She’s so boring that I literally forgot her character’s name when I went to type up this review. I’m sure that her parents aren’t actually dead though. With the way he’s talking, they are supernatural of some kind, or he’ll get Bonnie to bring them back to life or something sneaky like that.
I can’t be the only one who doubts that Damon will actually release Elena, can I? And why is Elena begging for him to stay with her? She should be a bit more concerned with the fact that her brain has been messed with and she can’t actually make a decision for herself. Am I right? Sound off below!
The Vampire Diaries airs Thursdays at 8pm EST on The CW