Courtesy of The CW
A CURE?!! There’s a CURE?! Well I definitely wasn’t expecting that. But what I was expecting (and hoping for) is that The Vampire Diaries would finally find its footing – and it has happened. Now we’re suddenly on the search for a cure, Rebekah (Claire Holt) has been daggered again and Stefan (Paul Wesley) has made a deal with the devil. There’s so much to discuss!
Let’s bitch it out…
Okay. I am still reeling from the news that there is a cure. I’m also reeling from the awesomeness of this whole episode. This is what I’ve been waiting for. We have a clear cut plan of where we’re going, my jaw drops numerous times, and none of this even involves Elena’s (Nina Dobrev) struggles.
Last week I discussed how much I love the Damon (Ian Somerhalder) and Klaus (Joseph Morgan) scenes. I may have also mentioned that I love Rebekah and Klaus scenes, and now this week, Stefan and Klaus step up to the plate and hit a home run. (I’m not afraid to admit that the trend here is my love for Klaus. I’ve slightly biased). This entire secret plot to find the cure is genius. It comes together so perfectly: naturally Klaus wants Elena alive again so that the hybrid factory can begin again, and Stefan obviously wants the same result (for different purposes).
Speaking of Stefan, I am just so happy seeing Stefan do more than just coddle and comfort Elena. As we can see, he has so much potential. The double cross on Rebekah is heartbreaking, but perfectly executed. Who would have ever suspected that Stefan would help Klaus, never mind simply stand by while she’s daggered again? It seems that Stefan has made a deal with the devil. But frankly, if a deal with this devil is wrong, I don’t want to be right!
Okay…moving on. Claire Holt as Rebekah is brilliant in this episode, and I am actually really sad that she will be out of the show for awhile (there’s a suggestion that she might be brought back as soon as next week so I’m not too upset yet). While watching, all I can think is that this girl is a much better actor than she gets credit for. Her vulnerability during her conversation with Stefan.. well, it doesn’t get much better than that. And as always, the sparring with her brother is flawless. I could go on for hours. I am a huge Rebekah fan – don’t worry, it’s a shock to me, too.

Courtesy of The CW
As much fun as I’m having raving about the Stefan/Klaus/Rebekah storyline, I guess I would be remiss if I didn’t mention Elena’s struggle this week. I thought she does a good job dominating the hunt-and-feed technique she’s being taught, but I’m glad that she stays true to herself in the end (as annoying and self-righteous as she is). It would just be far too much change too soon if all of a sudden Elena got caught up in the bloodlust and she started enjoying it like Damon. One of the recurring conflicts on the show – particularly this season – is Elena’s humanity, so if they just cut that out completely only four episodes in, well it would be a cheat of three seasons worth of viewing.
A few other observations:
- I died at the 50 Shades of Grey reference (the “red room of pain”), especially coming from Stefan. It was awesome!
- OMG ELIJAH (Daniel Gillies)! I know it’s only flashbacks, but it gets my hopes up that we will see more of him in the coming weeks. There is so much talent on this show – he’s at the top of the list, for sure.
- What the heck is up with Jeremy (Steven R. McQueen) being able to see the tattoos? We had the hint at him being a vampire hunter last season when Alaric (Matt Davis) left the note and list of names for him, but the show didn’t explore it at all. I guess Jeremy will get a good storyline this season after all. What scares me is that Connor (Todd Williams) tells Jeremy his tattoos started appearing the next day after his initial encounter, so I’m wondering if Jeremy will soon show the beginnings of the tattoo? Perhaps he doesn’t get them because of his ring? Is he one of The Five or is it just coincidence that he can see the tattoos because he can also see ghosts? I need answers!!
- I guess we get to delve in to the witch angle a little more with the addition of the new guy, Professor Shane (David Alpay). Is he part of The Five or is he just involved? Why did he send Connor to Mystic Falls? And what does he want from Bonnie (Kat Graham)… So much we still have to learn.
I can’t be the only one that’s relieved that we’ve finally set up our bigger story arc this season. What do you think of the idea of a cure? What are your thoughts or speculations about Jeremy? I would love to hear what people think of that whole scenario! Sound off below!
The Vampire Diaries airs Thursdays at 8pm EST on The CW
I am in shock… I have to say I was a bit scared at the begining of the season, maybe like most fans thinking maybe they went too far and hoping for redemption. Well they got it back with this episode. The sibling spats and daggering, the vampy Halloween parting, witches, hunters and a CURE!! Suffice to say a lot went on… I am glad the big Arc is back and with Originals in hand makes it even better. I am excited to see Jeremy come into his own and I think this hunter tattoo thing might just be his chance to get back some storyline. But am I the only one that missed Caroline and Tyler? I have to say I hope Klaus sticks around and gets up to some serious home wrecking… Just saying Damon may have some competition in my heart.