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As we deal with another issue stemming from this body jumping nonsense, Klaus (Joseph Morgan) is forced to trust his long lost sister.
Let’s bitch it out…
Maybe Klaus is right – maybe it does all come down to trust and family. You know, I get that the guy has had some issues over the past thousand years, but maybe he’s not getting enough credit for learning from his mistakes. Rebekah (Maisie Richardson-Sellers) and Elijah (Daniel Gillies) were so damn quick to jump into Freya’s (Riley Voelkel) loving arms after all these years, but no one except Klaus seems to remember that she spent a thousand years either being raised by Dahlia, tortured by Dahlia or asleep because of Dahlia. Yes, I agree Freya should feel some hatred towards Dahlia, but I’ve been on team Klaus since this girl showed up on the scene. It just seems likely that she is running a long con here to gain their trust in the short term in order to fulfill some kind of diabolical plan later. And the moment she threatens to turn the family against Klaus? I was fully over it. She needs to go. This bitch can’t just ride in after a thousand years and take over the family Klaus has fought so hard to protect. Oh no missy, you need to axed. Where is that damn white oak stake when you need it?!
You know…. I never believed for a second that Vincent (Yusuf Gatewood) was really joining that crazy child killer Eva (also played by Maisie Richardson-Sellers). Well…maybe I did for a quick second, but I swear I was right back to believing he was good! Plus he saved the day in the end and that’s all that matters. The writers better keep him around despite the fact that his story is pretty much over. We are gonna need all the witches we can get when Dahlia gets to town, so let’s keep Vincent around, shall we?
I find it hilarious how seamlessly The Originals has worked the whole “re-cast a central character on the show”. I mean, they’ve gone so far as to inexplicably have Rebekah trapped in Eva’s head as a child instead of the age she was when she actually jumped in to the body. That is the funniest part of all. There’s talk of switching her back to the old body (Claire Holt, who now has a new pilot for the fall TV season so I can’t see her coming back anytime soon). Coincidentally, if she switches out of Eva’s body, all those children will die. And we can’t have her being a child killer, now can we? Plus she needs the magic to bring Kol back, but guess which other actor also has a new pilot coming this fall? In situations like these, I almost prefer the more honest route: kill the character and start fresh, instead of building an entire season around body jumping that can confuse the audience and work their last nerve. Or is it just me?

Courtesy of The CW
Other Observations:
- The girl talk between Gia (Nishi Munshi) and Hayley (Phoebe Tonkin) is hilarious but necessary. Hayley has no right to make wise cracks to Elijah about him being with someone else. She got married! And consummated it so it wasn’t exactly a marriage of convenience. She has no business saying anything to Elijah. As much as Gia usually annoys me, I was glad she stood up to Hayley a little bit on Elijah’s behalf.
- Where the heck was Cami (Leah Pipes) this episode? Now there’s a great character that hasn’t gotten nearly enough play this season. She has fantastic chemistry with Klaus, but the writers haven’t given much play to that at all, let alone to Cami as a character. That’s a serious resource the show is leaving untapped because they’ve got too many characters and too many under currents going at once.
- A guard is posted outside baby Hope’s room but a semi-skilled witch has him unconscious in approximately two seconds. What is the point of the guard, and what do they expect when Dahlia comes if this guy is put down by someone without even a fraction of her power? I actually laughed out loud at how easily she got past him. If this is what they’ve got looking out for Hope, no wonder there’s blackness in Hayley’s future!
What did you think of the new episode? Are you with me on team Klaus or do you think I’m being paranoid? Do you think Freya can be trusted? Sound off below!
The Originals airs on Mondays at 8pm EST on The CW.