Just like that, we have a new “bad guy” to root against and over a thousand years of backstory that has yet to be discovered. Does it help make Esther (Sonja Sohn) any less despicable?
Let’s bitch it out…
So let me get this straight. There’s not one, but two Mikaelson children that died and are not part of our core group of originals? There’s Henrick, that Klaus (Joseph Morgan) got killed by taking him out at night on a full moon where he was attacked by werewolves. And now, suddenly there’s the introduction of another child, Freya (Elle Graham), who supposedly died from the plague but was actually taken by her aunt Dahlia (Kristin Erickson) after a back room deal between two witch sisters went bad? Plus, we have the introduction of Klaus’ biological father, Ansel (Lloyd Owen) that Esther brought back to life after a thousand year. I don’t know if I can handle any more Mikaelson relatives.
Let’s take them one at a time and start with Dahlia. Clearly Dahlia isn’t on the up and up if her sister Esther is estranged from her because of magic. Plus she just sort of has a sketchy look to her when we meet her at the opening of the show. But sketchy looks aside, by the end we know exactly what went on in the back room deal that Esther made with Dahlia in order to have biological children of her own. It seems Dahlia gets to take the first born child of every generation. We have no idea what she will do with these children, but there’s a few important points that come out of this final exchange between Dahlia and Esther.
Firstly, Esther threatens to turn to dark magic and become even stronger than Dahlia to make Dahlia pay for taking her children. So I’m getting the sense that my sketchy look radar was right on because Dahlia is involved in the dark arts. Secondly, Dahlia makes Esther tell Mikael (an unseen Sebastian Roche) that Freya was killed by the plague while he was away and that Esther burned the body to stop the spread of the disease. So there’s another secret that can perhaps be used either against Mikael or against Esther with Mikael in the future. Potential for Mikael to join their side against their mother? Or am I reaching too much with that idea? Finally, how on earth has this other relative been alive for over a thousand years, taking the first born children down their lineage and no one has ever heard of her? Really? Seems like the writers needed some new mythology to create for a big story arc of season two and Dahlia was born. But maybe I’m just being cynical. (Me? Never!)
Ok, on to little Freya. There’s not much to say here because frankly we didn’t get to know much about her other than that she is the oldest and she was Mikael’s favourite. But I have a feeling we are going to be seeing much more of young Freya in future episodes and we will be seeing a lot of Freya and Mikael. Maybe there will be one kid that Mikael doesn’t try to murder. But let’s be honest, if she was taken by a witch in to dark magic, I’m thinking he will probably try to kill her as well and stay true to form.
Well, this whole Ansel thing kind of came out of nowhere. Geez when that portal was open and the other side collapsing, did the witches just bring back everyone and their damn dog from the other side?! (If you don’t know what I’m talking about, start watching The Vampire Diaries!) You know, when Hayley (Phoebe Tonkin) meets him in the forrest, I thought he had a weird name. I should’ve known there’s a reason for it. And you know what? I’m not buying what this guy is selling. He claims that he spent a thousand years watching Klaus bring destruction to the world from the other side. If that was true, I’m thinking he wouldn’t be as accepting of his son as he seemed to be. I mean, his kid is a mass murderer that’s been reigning terror on the world for a thousand years and this upstanding fellow, who has never met his son before, is ready to welcome him literally with open arms? I’m not buying it. I’m reserving judgement on this guy.
Other Observations:
- We get basically zero Elijah (Daniel Gillies) this episode. It must’ve been a busy week filming his other show, Saving Hope.
- And here we go. Cami (Leah Pipes) is going to be the next human who thinks they can fight the supernatural and is always getting in to trouble. However, I can see possibilities of Klaus having to come save her and that creates potential sexual tension so I am on board with this probable disaster.
- Since when is Hayley close enough with Oliver (Chase Coleman) to have a nickname for him? She hated the guy last season and now he’s “Ollie”? Guess they just needed to set him up as someone half decent before he bit the dust at midnight and his death lured Jackson (Nathan Parsons) back in to the fold. An alpha you shall have, Hayley. No doubt about it.
So what did you think of this week’s episode? Are you interested in the new character Dahlia? Do you want to know what she’s doing with the first born children? What do you think Elijah will be like when he wakes up? Sound off below!
The Originals airs on Mondays at 8pm EST on the CW.
About the firstborn thing, Dahlia meant the firstborn of Mikael and Esther’s offspring. So the offspring of Niklaus, Rebekah, Elijah, Cole etc. But Esther turned everyone into vampires so there was no biological lineage because they had no children. That’s why no-one knew of her. Until Klaus had baby Hope. But she wasn’t killed/taken or whatever happens, so Dahlia is going to come back.
Ahhh yes that makes sense. Sometimes I get a bit confused by all the new mythology between this and TVD lol. But I’m excited for what’s to come cause it feels like we got a lot tonight for moving forward!
There was never any first born children until hope was born because the originals were vampires duh and spent most there lives daggered &in coffins.
Lol duh ya that makes sense. It will be interesting to see what happened to Freya and if she had any kids or is even still alive and what Dahlia has planned for the children she does take