This week The Originals explores the age old topics of sacrifice and betrayal in a dark episode that sees the murder of another teenaged girl.
Let’s bitch it out…
Let’s say it all together now – Hayley (Phoebe Tonkin) is useless! I hope I’m getting more people on board with me after these past few episodes. I’m sorry, but she wants to explain away her betrayal because she likes to live in the present and take what she wants when she wants it? And that’s supposed to make Elijah (Daniel Gillies) want to trust her again?
She is talking to potentially the most honourable man in the past one thousand years and she betrays his trust, reads his journal and causes him to unknowingly break his word. Sure, he’s going to forgive you because you’re cute and like to live in the moment. No thanks sweetie. We ain’t buying what you’re selling. Elijah has a perfect opportunity to live in the moment and kiss her, even though he’s feeling betrayed, and he can’t do it. Its not who he is. He’s a good man who follows his heart and keeps his word, meaning that he doesn’t want any part of a gypsy, orphaned werewolf who only cares about herself and is carrying his brother’s baby! Betrayal or not, there’s a reason Elijah wasn’t acting on their sexual tension and Hayley just blew the rift between them wide open. Good luck coming back from this.
Throughout the season, as we learned more and more about Davina (Danielle Campbell) and the story of the harvest, it became clear that this story was going to have to come to a head at some point. The battle begins inside all of us as we hear the story and we think about what we would choose. Would we sacrifice this one girl we’ve come to know and care about for the greater good of the witches? Or would we let her live long enough to survive the end of the harvest and have all the witches lose their power? I don’t know about you, but I thought a lot about what I would choose while watching because in this episode, it becomes about more than just the witches when Davina’s illness begins threatening the entire French Quarter. So should we sacrifice all the people, both human and potentially supernatural, in New Orleans just to save this one girl? Apparently that’s the decision Marcel (Charles Michael Davis) thinks is best when he hides Davina to take the decision away from the others.
But you know what? I believed Elijah when he comes up with his plan. I believed it would work and bring those girls back. Elijah thought it would work, so I did too. So I sat through Davina saying her goodbyes to Marcel and talking about what a rich life she’s led – even though she’s been locked up for the most recent past. So I sat through Sophie (Daniella Pineda) slitting that poor young girl’s throat and watching the life leave her body. And I sat through a heartbreaking moment where the bodies of four teenaged girls lay unmoving while Sophie begged for their return. But instead of being rewarded for believing, now I get to sit here depressed, because I believed and it didn’t happen. What ever happened to giving the people a little hope?! <Sigh>
Other Observations:
- I’m going to try to be positive. Now there’s some hope for me that the Hayley/Elijah love story can be avoided because Celeste (Shannon Kane) is back on the scene. Once Elijah figures out that his love has been under his nose this whole time, maybe he’ll ditch the useless one and we can get to see him happy for once? (That might be a little too hopeful but hey, gimme a break. This was a depressing episode!)
- I’ll say it again: this pregnancy is the longest one in the history of time. She barely looks like she’s showing but she’s been pregnant since last season!
- My favourite part of this show is the sibling relationships and I got that in spades this week. There are some really nice moments between the three siblings that lifted my spirits from the apocalypse feeling the rest of the episode carries around.
- If its not werewolves, its witches. Seems the original vampires haven’t had any problems with actual vampires in awhile, as they are always dealing with one of the other two species lately. I just hope we don’t get too far in to these supernatural storylines. The writers can lose the audience so quickly when you get too far in the backstory and supernatural elements. Look at the whole setup we got about Hayley’s werewolf family bloodline that carries the birthmark. We learned enough to let us know there will be a story, but then they just left it behind and we moved on to witches with no further information on werewolves. I’m assuming they will come back to it, but at that point, we will have invested in the witches. This is a thin line that I hope they tread carefully. We need to be interested and invested if they want us to care.
What did you think of this dark episode? Who do you think the three resurrected people are? Were you as affected as I was at the four girls with their throats slit? What do you think will become of Elijah and Celeste? Sound off below!
The Originals airs on Tuesday nights at 8pm EST on the CW.