Courtesy of MTV
It’s mid-season finale time on Teen Wolf as the series brings to a head the arms race between the Alpha Pack and the Durach, Jennifer Blake (Haley Webb). Plus: a new big bad is revealed.
Let’s bitch it out…‘Lunar Eclipse’ pretty much gives us everything that we could want in a (mid)season finale: big battles, a couple of deaths, a big storm and, of course, Lydia (Holland Roden) screaming. At this point we know what to expect and in this capacity, the show doesn’t disappoint.
A lot about this third season has been a hot mess: inept plotting, seriously flawed character introductions, a bevy of one-dimensional villains and a few full-on dud episodes. ‘Lunar Eclipse’ (and to a certain extent last week’s ‘Alpha Pact’) do a lot to rescue the season by tying some of the disparate elements together. We get some explanation about Scott’s (Tyler Posey) random tattoo from the season premiere, Derek (Tyler Hoechlin) draws on his survival reserves while under attack like he did in 3×03 ‘Fireflies’ and there’s even a retcon nod to the role of the Durach’s tree in Scott, Stiles (Dylan O’Brien) and Allison’s (Crystal Reed) origin stories.
‘Lunar Eclipse’ also does a nice job of spreading out the action to everyone. Perhaps more than any other episode this season, each member of the cast is designated something to do (well…except Adelaide Kane’s Cora, who has proven completely useless for twelve episodes). Scott works for/against Deucalion (Gideon Emery), Derek tries to talk Jennifer off the ledge, Allison and Isaac (Daniel Sharman) rescue the parents and Stiles saves the day. Even poor pathetic Lydia kinda/sorta rescues her BF, Aiden (Max Carver) and his brother Ethan (Charlie Carver).
In the end it all comes down to Scott and Derek to pull off the big finishing moves. After Jennifer opens a can of whup-ass on Deucalion, Derek distracts her long enough for the eclipse to pass, at which time Scott breaks through her protective circle – finally achieving Alpha status – to stop the storm from killing his “pack.” And since the boys could never be shown murdering a hot chick, it falls to Deucalion to slash her throat, though it’s really uncle Peter (Ian Bohen) who – unsurprisingly – strikes the killing blow.
Anyone who didn’t see that coming probably hasn’t been paying attention to Peter since his resurrection.

Courtesy of MTV
Other Observations:
- So the opening scene – when Scott, Stiles and Allison are in their ice-bath fugue state – is totally a rip-off of the “Neo in the trainstation” open in The Matrix Revolutions and every other portrayal of Purgatory, right?
- Everyone enjoy the AT&T product placement when Scott sends Jen a message directing her to find him and Deucalion at the warehouse? Thank heavens for supernatural storm resistant wireless connectivity!
- The cutesy school wrap-up identifies three couples: Aiden & Lydia, Ethan & Danny (Keahu Kahuanui) and Isaac & Allison. I guess Scott and Stiles are doomed to spend the rest of the year in bro-tastic celibacy
- It also looks like we’ll be seeing more of Scott’s unnamed father (Matthew Del Negro), who appears to be sticking around Beacon’s Hill
- Speaking of the ol’Hellmouth, if what Dr. Deacon (Seth Gillam) says is true, we should expect more creepy-crawlies and beasties to descend upon the town now that Scott, Stiles and Allison have unleashed some bad ju-ju energy. This is what happens when you spend 16 hours underwater, kids
- Finally, RIP Kali (Felisha Terrell). And by rest in peace, I mean burn in hell. I hated every second you and your grotty toenails were one screen and I only wish your Bride Of Chucky-glass-shard-death had lasted longer. Just know I dance on your grave…with well-manicured nails
So that’s it for S3 Pt 1. What’s your take on these first twelve episodes? Are you pleased that the wunder twins didn’t die? (That was probably the biggest shock…and then the biggest cop-out of the finale to me) Are you excited to see new evil come to town, or do you think we’ll spend the latter half of the season dealing with Peter? And will Stiles ever get lucky in love?! Sound off below
Teen Wolf has finished airing the first half of its third season. The show will return in January 6, 2014 on MTV
If you can’t wait, here’s a sneak peek of the new episode. See you in four months!