Courtesy of MTV
The identity of the Darach, the serial killer stalking Beacon Hills, is revealed and it’s pretty much exactly who you would expect. More importantly, though, Lydia’s (Holland Roden) talent for screaming is explained!
Let’s bitch it out…
After a lot of bitching about how unclear a number of the storylines have been this season, things on Teen Wolf come into focus with ‘The Girl Who Knew Too Much’. We get two big reveals: 1) Ms. Blake (Haley Webb) is a serial killer and 2) Lydia is a banshee.
It all makes so much sense!!!
Okay well, not really, but at least we know more than we did before. I’m still not sure why Ms. Blake is murdering people in threes, which member of the Alpha pack she has a history with (it’s suggested the Darach is a former emissary) or how the English teacher has powers to mask her appearance, heal herself and crush Sheriff badges with the ease of molding tinfoil. I can only assume now that the cat is out of the bag we’ll get an exposition dump next week about those hospital details the Sheriff (Linden Ashby) uncovered before he (and Lydia?) were whisked away by Ms. Blake.
The reveal about Lydia’s status as a wailing woman is more satisfying. We’ve long wondered why Lydia seems to be first on the scene whenever there’s a body turns up and now we know: she a harbinger of death. Gosh, no wonder she has trouble with guys! (Although Max Carver’s Aidan still seems kinda smitten with her, despite what he tells his brother)
At the end of the day the two reveals are the key elements of ‘The Girl Who Knew Too Much’. Nearly everything else that occurs is set-up for the big classroom reveal/fight scene. There are a number of other interesting elements that will likely play out over the remaining episodes in this first half of S3, though, especially when it comes to couples.
If you’re a shipper of the traditional couples, you may be in for some rough times ahead as both Alison (Crystal Reed) / Isaac (Daniel Sharman) and Scott (Tyler Posey) / Lydia seem headed for romantic entanglements.
On the plus side, if you’re a Sterek (Stiles/Derek) fan, at least you know that Derek (Tyler Hoechlin) will be back on the market shortly since his girlfriend is about to bite it.

Courtesy of MTV
Other Observations:
- I looooooved the melodramatic shift to the Darach’s theme song by the band during the recital. The confused looks of the crowd really helps to set the scene and the piano wire murder of the piano player woman is actually pretty shocking
- In what reality would the school be open the day after the body of a deputy is found hanging off its sign? Methinks not
- I’m a big fan of actress Bianca Lawson (Buffy‘s Kendra!), but Morell’s interrogation scene with Scott is incredibly over-acted. Somebody call the acting coach!
- I think that Cora (Adelaide Kane) has been really awkwardly inserted into the cast this season, especially her seemingly out of nowhere relationship with Boyd and now Stiles (Dylan O’Brien). With that said, their attempt to clue Stiles’ dad in on the supernatural elements in town – capped by her fainting – is very humourous
- Sidenote: Is Cora being written off the show because she’s on The CW’s Reign this fall? It certainly seems like she might be a goner since her head wound from Aidan doesn’t appear to be healing
- Anyone else wondering if JR Bourne’s time on Revenge overlapped with filming for Teen Wolf? He’s had significantly less screen time this season. Swooping in to shoot at the Darach (poorly) hardly constitutes a presence
- I’m totally crushing on Danny (Keahu Kahuanui) and Ethan’s (Charlie Carver) relationship. They’re so cute
- I like that Ethan admits that he and his brother were “the bitches” of their former pack…until they killed them all. Who wants to be the one to tell them that now they’re just the bitches of the Alpha pack?
Best Lines:
- Stiles (to Lydia): “How am I supposed to find the dead body? You always find the dead body!”
Your turn: are you surprised to learn the truth about Ms. Blake? What about Lydia? Is the Sheriff a goner (no way the show would really do that to Stiles, would they)? Do you want to see an Alison/Isaac hook-up? What about Scott/Lydia? And will Cora (or any of the new werewolves) survive the season? Comment away below
Teen Wolf airs Mondays at 10pm EST on MTV
This episode was good! I should have know it was the teacher all along, after the big reveal I was like yup… Random new character who is ok with humping Derek when he had all that blood on him, and took to him being a wolf sooooooooo easily. Oh well… Im more excited to see what the hell is up with the wailing woman. Seasons getting good, im ready to see Uncle get into some action as the previews have lead us to believe for the next episode.
Personally, I don’t think “Lydia and Scott” is going anywhere. The hand hold to me seemed more like a reassuring squeeze than anything else. And I KNEW something was weird about Ms. Blake! She adapted to the whole werewolf scene way too easily. And can I just say I love Issac!! No real point there, just sayin
Yeah, nothing about this episode was surprising as I called Lydia being a banshee last season due to her incessant screaming and I See Dead People routine, and obviously Ms. Blake was gonna be the Darach because we all know Derek can’t have nice things.
Also, I’m really wondering if I wasn’t being too hasty accusing the writers last episode about not being clever enough – I’m pretty sure the body they found slashed up in the forest all those years ago (the Sheriff said TEN years ago, exactly the same time frame as Peter’s story, and we know we can’t trust his version of what went down), really was Derek’s little girlfriend, so it’s obvious what Ms. Blake’s connection to the Alpha Pack would be (though if she IS Paige, it’s interesting how many kids in Beacon Hills end up with supernatural powers). It would also explain why she was totally fine with jumping into bed with Derek despite him being half-dead.
As to how she’s able to mask herself or heal, I’m assuming she’s deriving it from the sacrifices – the people themselves aren’t powerful, but what they represent are. In old times, warriors would consume the hearts of their enemies because they believed they would be granted the same strength of will and bravery. This is probably the same idea. That’s why she said she should’ve started with Philosophers, those with “knowledge and strategy,” implying she would’ve been more cunning. By consuming the warriors’ strength, she was so easily able to defeat Scott with one blow to the chest that obviously crushed something vital given the blood he coughed up when he fell unconscious to the ground.
I was grateful, however, that we weren’t subjected to another 24 eps with the Sheriff (and I can’t WAIT until he’s actually given a first name) being clueless about his town – nice little dig about how things in Beacon Hills have always been sort of wonky. His scene with Stiles over the chessboard was so well done as were his reactions (I’m wondering if this is the scene Dylan O’Brien helped write that Linden Ashby tweeted about). And oh man, poor sportsmanship Stiles, bringing in your dead mom.
I’m really hoping you’re right that Cora is being written out of the show because she’s absolutely useless as a character, and I can’t believe we traded Boyd and Erica for her. Sure they didn’t do much more than stand around being Affirmative Action Ken and Gang-bang Barbie, but at least there was a reason for their existence as opposed to Cora’s. Hell, when they panned to Derek sitting by her bedside, I actually didn’t recognize her at first and wondered, “whoa, when did Ms. Blake get injured?” We STILL don’t know where’s she’s been all this time, or really anything about her other than she’s seventeen, a Hale, and Derek’s little sister.
And MAN, both the opening scene with the deputy going into the school, and the recital when everyone was playing the Darach’s theme song were really creepy and well done (though, if you were playing the TW drinking game, you’d have to tip one back for the deputy’s murder happening in the locker room. Because, you know, there has to be at least ONE locker room scene regardless of how far-fetched it is).
I disagree there’s a Lydia/Scott thing going on, as her hand squeeze seemed more out of support and kinship than romance. At least, I really hope they won’t go down that route, if simply because Allison is her best friend now (which they hadn’t achieved yet when those two kissed in the first season) and it would be breaking so many BFF rules it’s not even funny. It would be as bad as Stiles hooking up with Allison.
One dislike of the otherwise pretty good episode – Stiles and Scott pimping Lydia out to distract Aidan to get Ethan alone (though Stiles’ reaction to what he perceives as a threat was my favorite part/line).
Well first off I found the part when Stiles tells his dad “mom would have believed me” really sad but well put! I don’t like the new couples. I wonder what will happen between Scott/Isaac if Isaac gets with allison! And what will happen with Scott/Stiles if Scott gets with Lydia. And I loooooooooooved the bitches part too!! Haha. Oh! Also I liked when mellissa calls sherif stilinkis (did I spell that right?) face handsome