Courtesy of Syfy / Showcase
After the colossal failure that was last week’s episode, Lost Girl continues to struggle with a follow-up episode that – while entertaining – is also mind-blowingly inept.
Let’s bitch it out… [Read more…]
The curated portfolio of film journalist Joe Lipsett
by Joe Lipsett
Courtesy of Syfy / Showcase
After the colossal failure that was last week’s episode, Lost Girl continues to struggle with a follow-up episode that – while entertaining – is also mind-blowingly inept.
Let’s bitch it out… [Read more…]
by Joe Lipsett
Courtesy of Syfy / Showcase
If our emotional response to television shows is directly proportional to our investment in it, then Lost Girl has long had me wrapped around its little finger. And while this may help to explain why I love it so much, it also means that I’m much more let down when it makes a misstep. And then there are the events of ‘Truth And Consequences’: an episode that makes such an atrociously terrible narrative decision that I literally cussed out my television.
Let’s really bitch it out… [Read more…]
by Joe Lipsett
Courtesy of Syfy / Showcase
We’re almost ready to head into the home stretch of Lost Girl‘s second season. First we just have to wrap up a few loose ends: namely Ryan (Anthony Lemke) and Dyson (Kris Holden-Ried). And while neither storyline is satisfactorily resolved, at least we have modicum of closure.
Let’s bitch it out… [Read more…]
by Joe Lipsett
Courtesy of Syfy / Showcase
After just a few days, Lost Girl is back. Whether it’s the lack of time between that great 13th episode and this one, or simply because this episode is all surface and no depth, ‘Midnight Lamp’ is a bust.
Let’s bitch it out… [Read more…]
by Joe Lipsett
Courtesy of Syfy / Showcase
Lost Girl goes into heavy mythology territory as the first thirteen episodes of its second season wraps up and we prepare for war.
Let’s bitch it out… [Read more…]
by Joe Lipsett
Courtesy of Syfy / Showcase
We’re back to hard times on Lost Girl as the show seems to be losing its way through the fae-rest.
Let’s bitch it out… [Read more…]