Courtesy of STARZ
Haircuts, branding and quartering – oh my! Spartacus removes the titular character as we focus on how the Romans celebrate victory in a unique episode that seems designed to realign our sympathies with the rebels (despite the horrors they inflicted on their Roman prisoners). ‘Spoils Of War’ ups the ante as Crassus (Simon Merrells) takes possession of the city of Sinuessa and orders a pretty despicable celebration in honour of man of the hour, Caesar (Todd Lasance).
Too bad the future victim of Brutus is too peeved to truly enjoy it – what with assassinations attempts and annoyance that the rebel king hasn’t been caught serving as distractions. Naturally he deals with these set-backs the only way a grown man can: he cuts off his long blonde locks. Makes sense to me!
Let’s bitch it out… [Read more…]