The Bitch Awards capture the very best of the year, but they’re also only a brief snippet of the immense range of fantastic entertainment on TV. Without further ado, here are some of 2013’s other Best TV shows. [Read more…]
Quick Take review – The Good Wife 5×05: ‘Hitting The Fan’

Courtesy of CBS
I usually write about The Good Wife once a year: when it comes time to compile my Best Of Television list for the annual Bitch Awards (2012 & 2011). Each year the CBS’ drama makes it into my top five, but that’s traditionally as much love as I give the best show on network TV. That discrepancy had to change with ‘Hitting The Fan’ – an episode that single-handlely catapults The Good Wife into the upper echelons of TV drama with what may be one of the best hours of TV I’ve ever seen.
Let’s bitch it out… [Read more…]
The ‘Bitch Awards’ – Best/Worst Television Shows of 2012 (#3)
We’ve hit the halfway point in our annual countdown of the best (and worst) television of the year. Time to tackle the hump slots! [Read more…]
The ‘Bitch Awards’ – Best/Worst Television Shows of 2011 (#5)
Welcome to our second week of the Bitch Awards. Last week we revealed our favourite (and least favourite) films of the year, and this week we’re turning our attention to a topic we know even better: Television.
Let’s start off with our number five picks of the year… [Read more…]