The first episode of The Falcon and The Winter Soldier will be an interesting litmus test for MCU fans. After a full year without a big screen blockbuster, there is plenty of pent-up demand for a Marvel action film that the small screen series aims to fill. [Read more…]
Once Upon A Time review – 2×05: ‘The Doctor’

Courtesy of ABC
After an interesting start to the season, it appears that Once Upon A Time has settled back into the same disappointing formula it established around mid-season last year. You know it’s a bad sign when Emma (Jennifer Morrison) is one of the better parts of the episode.
Let’s bitch it out… [Read more…]
Once Upon A Time review – 2×03: ‘Lady Of The Lake’

Courtesy of ABC
Everyone hold onto your hats because I am about to say something crazy: I actually kind of liked an episode of Once Upon A Time. I know, I’m as scared/confused/nauseous as you.
Let’s bitch it out… [Read more…]
Once Upon A Time review – 2×02: ‘We Are Both’
Magic may be back in Storybrooke, but that doesn’t mean that things have gotten any easier for its Maine residents. Thankfully Emma (Jennifer Morrison) sits most of the episode out, so the endeavour is nearly a completely thrilling success!
Let’s bitch it out… [Read more…]
Once Upon A Time recap – 1×22: ‘A Land Without Magic’

Courtesy of ABC
Now that is what I`m talking about. After complaining that the show has twiddled its narrative thumbs for the better part of its first season, Once Upon A Time takes a quantum leap forward and lays all of its cards on the table.
Let’s bitch it out… [Read more…]
Once Upon A Time recap – 1×17: ‘Hat Trick’
The last few episodes of Once Upon A Time have done much to reveal its strengths (the continuing love-challenged relationship between Ginnifer Goodwin’s Snow & Josh Dallas’ Charming, the revisionist take on fairytales, etc) while also highlighting its flaws (telegraphing every upcoming moment, continued ineptness by Jennifer Morrison’s Emma, and – to a certain extent – the continuing love-challenged relationship between Snow and Charming). As the show closes in on the end of the first season, it takes a dramatic formula detour that tantalizes and antagonizes…
Let’s bitch it out…