Courtesy of HBO
After a long, long wait, Game Of Thrones returns for its third season with an episode that feels more like a reintroduction than an episode proper. Groundwork is laid, but is it all interesting?
Let’s bitch it out… [Read more…]
The curated portfolio of film journalist Joe Lipsett
by Joe Lipsett
Courtesy of HBO
After a long, long wait, Game Of Thrones returns for its third season with an episode that feels more like a reintroduction than an episode proper. Groundwork is laid, but is it all interesting?
Let’s bitch it out… [Read more…]
by Joe Lipsett
Courtesy of HBO
As we move into the final episodes of the second season, Game Of Thrones goes into ‘chatty cathy’ mode as characters discuss their plans, vent their frustrations and generally make demands or threats of one another. So it’s basically a regular episode, only with fewer action scenes.
Let’s bitch it out… [Read more…]
by Joe Lipsett
Courtesy of HBO
I’ve mentioned a few times how challenging Game Of Thrones can be to recap. There’s often an urge to try and find an overarching theme that unifies the episode and inevitably everyone seems to identify a different one. There’s also the frequent danger of lapsing into a basic point by point breakdown of the episode, which can make for some pretty dry reading. With that in mind, let’s tackle this week’s episode.
Let’s bitch it out… [Read more…]