What if, after you died, you could “upload” your consciousness into a computer and spend the rest of eternity in a goosed-up residential palace filled with amenities? What if the quality of that living space was entirely based on how much money you or your family had in real life? And what if your afterlife became just another endless slog of capitalist interactions? [Read more…]
He Said/She Said review: McG’s The Babysitter isn’t worth your time
In He Said/She Said, critics Joe and Valeska dissect a film in a back and forth email exchange. First up: Netflix’s original horror film, The Babysitter (2017).
Spoilers ahead! [Read more…]
The Flash review – 1×23: ‘Fast Enough’

Courtesy of The CW
It’s finale time for The Flash, but I’ve got some major gripes about the way this all goes down.
Let’s bitch it out… [Read more…]
The Flash review – 1×22: ‘Rogue Air’
It’s a jailbreak! A routine metahuman prisoner transport turns to ruin when plans go awry and five supercriminals escape.
Let’s bitch it out… [Read more…]
Quick Take review – The Flash 1×13: ‘The Nuclear Man’

Courtesy of The CW
An emotional FIRESTORM episode suffers from Iris (Candice Patton) being a manipulative beyotch.
Let’s bitch it out… [Read more…]
Quick Take review – The Flash 1×12: ‘Crazy For You’

Courtesy of The CW
Sad people make bad decisions in a personal episode of The Flash.
Let’s bitch it out… [Read more…]