After months of anticipation, a new Doctor (Peter Capaldi) takes over the TARDIS. So how does our newly regenerated Doctor fare?
Let’s bitch it out.
The curated portfolio of film journalist Joe Lipsett
by tvangie
After months of anticipation, a new Doctor (Peter Capaldi) takes over the TARDIS. So how does our newly regenerated Doctor fare?
Let’s bitch it out.
by tvangie
Have you finish binging the second season of Orange is the New Black? How do you feel about the fates of the inmates and administration at Litchfield prison? We take a look at the tail end of S2 in the second installment of our binge-watch review.
Let’s bitch it out.
by tvangie
All right bingers, let’s discuss Orange is the New Black in broad strokes rather than focusing on the nitty gritty. For those of us who need to watch more than one episode at a time, how does the first half of season two fare?
Let’s bitch it out. [Read more…]
by tvangie
Will (Hugh Dancy) appears to have turned into a full-on protégé to mentor Hannibal (Mads Mikkelsen) but is everything really as it appears to be?
Let’s bitch it out.
by tvangie
The much anticipated season finale of The Walking Dead brings us the most action-packed, tightly paced, nail-biting episode of the season. So how was Rick (Andrew Lincoln) ‘irrevocably changed’?
Let’s bitch it out…
by tvangie
This week on Hannibal, our titular psychopath forfeits his control for the first time in a long time (or dare I say ever), and Will (Hugh Dancy) undergoes a significant transformation.
Let’s bitch it out…