Well here we are, a new season, a new show runner, new faces, and a new reviewer. After what many would called a disastrous first season, Smash is back for an encore. Will the hate watchers keep watching or will the show be able to save itself? Well NBC is banking on it with all the heavy promotion of the season two opener. But let’s not get distracted by all the razzle dazzle (OMG it’s J-Hud!!), let’s bitch.
Smash recap – 1×14: ‘Previews’

Courtesy or NBC
With only one more episode left in the season, Smash manages to get through some significant plot points in its penultimate episode. Unfortunately, many of them are predictable, but true to Smash form, some stronger moments manage to balance it all out.
Let’s take a closer look after the jump: [Read more…]
Smash recap – 1×13: ‘Tech’

Courtesy of NBC
After a strong episode last week, Smash disappoints with a fairly lukewarm offering, primarily brought down by some head-scratching moments and very questionable motivations.
Let’s take a closer look after the jump: [Read more…]
Smash recap – 1×11: ‘The Movie Star’
It was another frustrating episode this week on Smash, riddled with plot points that no one really cares about. There were a couple of saving graces, but on the whole, this episode was a dud.
Let’s bitch it out. [Read more…]
Smash recap 1 x 02: ‘The Callback’

Courtesy of NBC
This week’s episode of Smash pretty much opened the exact same way as the pilot (our heroine Karen (Katherine McPhee) singing in fantasy land only to be snapped back into reality) – but was the rest of the episode as predictable?
Let’s break it down after the jump.
Smash recap – 1×01: “Pilot”

Courtesy of NBC
Let me start out by saying that I am a theatre nut. I’ve always loved Broadway musicals (even the small ones) and have done my time working in community theatre for many years. So ever since we were teased with Smash in early 2011, I’ve been breaking out in spontaneous jazz hands with anticipation. But does one of the most buzz-worthy shows of the season live up to its hype?
Let’s break it down after the jump. (Please note this recap contains SPOILERS)