Is this the end? Who knows, but if it is we can all take solace in knowing that our friends went out doing what they do best, making us laugh until we pee a little. This week’s double dose of Happy Endings are the last two episodes of the season, possibly the series, and they leave it all on the floor, like the ballers we’ve come to love. Let’s review.
Parks and Recreation review – 5×09: ‘Ron And Diane’

Courtesy of NBC
This episode is a little bit trickier to write about than others. That isn’t to say that it’s any worse – it’s actually probably one of the best of the season – but rather it indicates how much of the success of this episode is based on it’s light mood.
Let’s break it down after the jump… [Read more…]
Happy Endings recap – 2×06: ‘Lying Around’
So this week’s episode of our beloved Happy Endings was a fairly average episode. There were great parts, but on a whole it left me a little indifferent. Maybe it paled in comparison to the great episodes that the show has had the last few weeks, but this felt like more of a return to the uneven episodes of early season one. [Read more…]