Hold onto your hats – June TV is packed to the gills.
Made-for-TV Movie BINGO: All About Christmas Eve (2012)

Courtesy of Lifetime
Haylie Duff’s nose impersonates Gwenyth in Sliding Doors for our final made-for-TV Christmas Movie BINGO. Let’s bitch it out… [Read more…]
Watch With Us: December 2015
Give yourself a pat on the back: you’ve made it to the last month of 2015 without eating your feelings, killing your boss or shipping off your loved ones to the North Pole. We’ve got a bunch of new and exciting features to reward you with, including the fifth annual Bitch Awards!
Let’s bitch it out… [Read more…]
Watch With Us: Summer TV Wrap-Up Pt.2

Courtesy of Lifetime, FX and ITV
With only a week and a half until the start of the official Fall TV season, let’s discuss a few more of the shows we’ve been watching this summer.
Let’s bitch it out… [Read more…]
TV-Film review: House Of Versace

Courtesy of Lifetime
In what may be the closest thing to an unofficial sequel to Showgirls, Gina Gershon takes on the lead role of fashion icon Donna Versace in Lifetime’s House Of Versace. Bring on the Ver-sayce!
Let’s bitch it out… [Read more…]