This episode has everything a 30 Rock fan could possibly hope for: character revelations, ridiculous plots, and Alec Baldwin reading the line: “And I know those aren’t flowers. They’re my mother’s vagina.”
Let’s break it down… [Read more…]
The curated portfolio of film journalist Joe Lipsett
This episode has everything a 30 Rock fan could possibly hope for: character revelations, ridiculous plots, and Alec Baldwin reading the line: “And I know those aren’t flowers. They’re my mother’s vagina.”
Let’s break it down… [Read more…]
If you’re a glass half full kind of person, this episode features a musical glimpse into the inner workings of Jenna’s (Jane Krakowski) mind. If you’re a glass half empty person, Hazel (Kristen Schaal) is back.
Let’s bitch it out…
30 Rock is back, nerds! Last season may have been a bit bumpy, but with the final season premiere, Liz Lemon and company aren’t pulling any punches.
Let’s take a look at what the gang’s been up to…
Nothing says season finales like a vow renewals and baby plans! Except in the 30 Rock universe, that really means divorce and finding a nice Chinese girl to be a surrogate plant mother.
Let’s hand out this week’s 30 Rock-Does-Things awards…
Courtesy of NBC
If we look at this week’s episode as a chapter of a weekly television series with continuing storylines, the live episode is pretty lightweight, even for this season’s relatively lax standards. But as a twenty-one minute piece of blatant yet absolutely enjoyable fan service? ‘Live from Studio 6H’ passes with flying colors – while wearing angel wings and singing “Zou Bisou Bisou.”
Here are this week’s 30 Rock-Does-Things… Indulgently Awards… [Read more…]
(Apologies for the late recap, fellow Rockers. I was trying to help Tracy make his assets liquid again. Unfreezing a pool filled with money is not quick or easy work…)
This week’s overstuffed episode reminded me of the videos that the villains of Cold War flicks show to their victims in order to brainwash them: a lot of crazy images flash across the screen, and some of those images could actually be interesting or funny if the audience was given a second to process them. Instead, the videos only result in memory loss, loss of motor functions, and occasional vomiting.
Here are this week’s ‘30 Rock-Does-Things…Impatiently’ awards…