What would you do if you had to fight your double to the death in order to survive? That’s the intriguing, albeit deceptive, logline of writer/director Riley Stearns‘ latest film.
[Read more…]Doctor Who review – 7×05: ‘The Angels Take Manhattan’
We bid a final adieu to the beloved Ponds on the mid-season finale of Doctor Who, but with such a buildup to their departure, is the episode a fitting goodbye?
Let’s bitch it out… [Read more…]
Doctor Who review – 7×04: ‘The Power of Three’
Well folks, if you can believe it, we’ve only got one episode left until Doctor Who takes a break before the Christmas special. So how did the penultimate episode do before the Ponds say sayonara for good?
Let’s take a closer look after the jump. [Read more…]
Doctor Who review – 7×03: ‘A Town Called Mercy’
This week on Doctor Who, we continued to get weaned off regular companions Amy (Karen Gillan) and Rory (Arthur Darvill) in another stand-alone adventure. This time we were hanging out somewhere in the Wild West. The Doctor’s (Matt Smith) Stetson wasn’t the only thing that returns, however; we also see a return of the ramifications of his traveling alone for too long.
Let’s take a closer look after the jump.
Doctor Who review – 7×02: ‘Dinosaurs on a Spaceship’
With a title like ‘Dinosaurs on a Spaceship’, it’s impossible not to have fun during the second episode of the current Doctor Who season. With last week’s season opener and this week’s offering, it looks like the series is opting for a return to standalone adventure episodes. Even so, we do get small glimpses into what to expect for the rest of the season.
Let’s take a closer look after the jump.
Doctor Who review – 7×01: ‘Asylum of the Daleks’
Time traveling fans rejoice: our favourite Time Lord is back for a brand new season of adventures! The seventh season premiere of Doctor Who marked the return of the perilous Daleks (who were absent all of last season), while also introducing – and subsequently faking us out – to The Doctor’s (Matt Smith) future companion.
Let’s bitch it out.