Lost Girl is back, beyotches! After a spectacularly disappointing end to S2 (and a third place finish as Worst show of 2012), what does S3 of our favourite succubus bring?
Let’s bitch it out… [Read more…]
The curated portfolio of film journalist Joe Lipsett
by Joe Lipsett
Lost Girl is back, beyotches! After a spectacularly disappointing end to S2 (and a third place finish as Worst show of 2012), what does S3 of our favourite succubus bring?
Let’s bitch it out… [Read more…]
by Joe Lipsett
After a long and rocky S2, it’s season finale time for Lost Girl. With the battle with the Garuda (Raoul Trajillo) looming over everything, how will Bo (Anna Silk) and company fare?
Let’s bitch it out… [Read more…]
by Joe Lipsett
Now that is what I’m talking about! After spending what seems like the entire second half of the season griping, I’m happy to report that Lost Girl is back in fighting shape in the penultimate episode of its extended second season. The rejuvenation is courtesy partly to a script that doesn’t require our characters to make stupidly impulsive decisions (like last week), but also courtesy of some very welcome guest stars in the form of Vex (Paul Amos) and The Morrigan (Emmanuelle Vaugier).
Let’s bitch it out… [Read more…]
by Joe Lipsett
After the colossal failure that was last week’s episode, Lost Girl continues to struggle with a follow-up episode that – while entertaining – is also mind-blowingly inept.
Let’s bitch it out… [Read more…]
by Joe Lipsett
If our emotional response to television shows is directly proportional to our investment in it, then Lost Girl has long had me wrapped around its little finger. And while this may help to explain why I love it so much, it also means that I’m much more let down when it makes a misstep. And then there are the events of ‘Truth And Consequences’: an episode that makes such an atrociously terrible narrative decision that I literally cussed out my television.
Let’s really bitch it out… [Read more…]
by Joe Lipsett
After more or less taking a pass on anything mythology-related last week, Lost Girl bounces back with great episode exploring Hale’s (K.C. Collins) backstory, which also serves as a broad reintroduction of the Garuda storyline.
Let’s bitch it out… [Read more…]