What if, after you died, you could “upload” your consciousness into a computer and spend the rest of eternity in a goosed-up residential palace filled with amenities? What if the quality of that living space was entirely based on how much money you or your family had in real life? And what if your afterlife became just another endless slog of capitalist interactions? [Read more…]
True Blood review – 7×03: ‘Fire In The Hole’

Courtesy of HBO
Bon Temps continues its descent into anarchy as the human mob causes more damage.
Let’s bitch it out… [Read more…]
Revenge review – 2×19: ‘Identity’

Courtesy of ABC
It’s all baby drama and Falcon! Falcon! Falcon! reveals as Revenge returns from its long hiatus for the final few episodes of the second season.
Let’s bitch it out… [Read more…]
Grimm review – 2×02: ‘The Kiss’
The second episode of Grimm‘s sophomore season proves to be significantly more satisfying compared to last week’s ho-hum premiere. Plus death and naked flesh!
Let’s bitch it out… [Read more…]
Grimm review – 2×01: ‘Bad Teeth’

Courtesy of NBC
In an effort to capitalize on NBC’s Olympics coverage, Grimm gets an early August debut in advance of its regular season in September. Does the tease work?
Let’s bitch it out… [Read more…]