What a difference a week makes. After a solid start to the second season, Smash returns to some of the problems that plagued its first season including a nod to one of TVs most hated characters…like ever. On the bright side J-Hud closes the episode with one of the best songs from the series and of course, she kills it. Did I mention Sheryl Lee Ralph (the original Deena Jones!) shows up as Veronica’s mother? Let’s bitch.
Smash review – 2×03: ‘The Dramaturg’

Courtesy of NBC
After last week’s break (thanks State of the Union), we are back for episode three . This week Smash focuses on the two main storylines: the rewriting of Bombshell and the new musical by Kyle (Andy Mientus) and Jimmy (Jeremy Jordan), while throwing a bone to both Ivy (Megan Hilty) and Veronica (Jennifer Hudson).
Let’s bitch. [Read more…]
Smash review – 2×01 / 2×02: ‘On Broadway’ / ‘The Fallout’
Well here we are, a new season, a new show runner, new faces, and a new reviewer. After what many would called a disastrous first season, Smash is back for an encore. Will the hate watchers keep watching or will the show be able to save itself? Well NBC is banking on it with all the heavy promotion of the season two opener. But let’s not get distracted by all the razzle dazzle (OMG it’s J-Hud!!), let’s bitch.