Courtesy of HBO
The Leftovers, one of the most divisive shows of last year, returns with an out of the box episode that shifts the action to a new location populated by new characters.
Let’s bitch it out… [Read more…]
The curated portfolio of film journalist Joe Lipsett
by Joe Lipsett
Courtesy of HBO
The Leftovers, one of the most divisive shows of last year, returns with an out of the box episode that shifts the action to a new location populated by new characters.
Let’s bitch it out… [Read more…]
by tvangie
Well Doctor Who fans the big day is here – beloved Tenth Doctor (David Tennant) and Rose (Billie Piper) are back to join our current Eleventh Doctor (Matt Smith) and his companion Clara (Jenna-Louise Coleman) on a new adventure. So after months (arguably years) of anticipation, did the special deliver?
Let’s bitch it out…