Courtesy of AMC
Members of Woodbury finally intersect with some of the Grimes gang this week on The Walking Dead, and the winner of most hated character is decidedly cemented.
Let’s bitch it out…
The curated portfolio of film journalist Joe Lipsett
by tvangie
Courtesy of AMC
Members of Woodbury finally intersect with some of the Grimes gang this week on The Walking Dead, and the winner of most hated character is decidedly cemented.
Let’s bitch it out…
by tvangie
A mere four episodes into the season, The Walking Dead delivers a shocking, season finale-esque episode where we lose at least two members of the original cast. Will the bloodbath prove fruitful for the rest of the season?
Let’s bitch it out.
by tvangie
– Courtesy of AMC
Five new survivors are introduced this week on The Walking Dead, but how do these prisoners change the dynamic of the Grimes gang just as they’re just settling into their new prison home?
Let’s bitch it out. [Read more…]
by tvangie
The Walking Dead fires up its third season with an action-packed, zombie-killing premiere. With all the whining about how slow and boring most of last season was, did the premiere shut down those naysayers, giving us a glimpse into how the third season will shape up?
Let’s bitch it out.
Courtesy of AMC
The long road of season two has led to this point as The Walking Dead says goodbye to the farm in a season finale filled with a good 90% zombie action. Despite the chaos and mayhem, we still manage to get some major revelations that help to set up some very juicy plot points for season three.
Let’s bitch it out…
by Joe Lipsett
Courtesy of AMC via Carlost.net
There are few words that capture the feeling that accompanies watching game-changing television. Perhaps because it so often involves deaths and surprise twists of fate, often we as viewers are left in shock, our mouths open in speechless disbelief. And while the events that took place on last night’s The Walking Dead should come as a surprise to no one, TVAngie may have captured the mood best when she wrote me after the episode ended to exclaim that she “needed a cigarette.”
Let’s bitch it out…(Major spoilers ahead)