Courtesy of Syfy / Showcase
It’s “let the right one in” week on Continuum as both Alec (Erik Knudsen) and Kiera (Rachel Nichols) open themselves up emotionally and let others in on their secrets. Unfortunately it appears that only one of these storylines will have a happy ending.
Let’s bitch it out…Sing it from the rooftops, people! Kiera Cameron has finally told Carlos (Victor Webster) her secret. And can I just say: it’s about g*ddamn time!
After a season and a half of lying to her partner, it’s a little disappointing that Kiera finally tells Carlos under such uneventful circumstances. I’m sure that the near death experience at the hands of a serial killer truly did help her realize that keeping secrets is unwarranted. But if we’re being honest, the chain of events from this episode just don’t feel big enough to justify such a momentous confession. I would have been more accepting if Kiera had made her decision following the events of last week’s episode, when Kiera was arguably at her lowest/weakest point. Instead this just feels…underwhelming.
Don’t get me wrong. I’m completely psyched to see where things go from here. Whether or not Carlos accepts Kiera’s seemingly impossible admission that she is a time traveler from 2077, I can’t wait to see how he handles this information moving forward. I really hope that we get to see Carlos revisiting all of the weird experiences he’s had since Kiera entered his life – it will be far more interesting than if he simply accepts what she’s saying. Either way, Kiera finally has another confidant besides Alec, and this can only be a good thing for both her and the show.
Speaking of Alec, everyone’s favourite teenage genius also takes some steps towards emotional maturity by letting Emily (Magda Apanowicz) into his comfort zone, aka his snazzy new lab. Alas, after cooking her dinner (with SCIENCE!) and getting to first base, the date is abruptly cut short by a very curt Kellog (Stephen Lobo) and – unbeknowst to Alec – Emily is not-so-surprisingly revealed to be a double agent.
I can’t imagine anyone is overly surprised by this revelation. After all, despite what Emily suggested last week, her interest in Alec is a little suspicious despite his awkward adorkableness (Sidenote: her duplicity was confirmed to me when, after seeing Looper, Emily engages in a pretty meta conversation about the depiction of time travel). So Alec is going to get his heart broken…and possibly see his secrets stolen.
Ah young love…

Courtesy of Syfy / Showcase
Other Observations:
- While Kellog does seem unnecessarily pissed off upon entering the lab, we eventually learn that he’s got plenty to be peeved about (though he doesn’t know it yet). His attempt to procure an emerging microbial technology doesn’t go so well after his corporae acquisition is scooped by the mysterious Escher (Hugh Dillon). To be honest, Kellog’s had a relatively smooth ride of late, so I’m hoping to see him struggle a bit more. You can’t always get what you want
- Speaking of Escher, he’s played by Canadian actor Dillon in an understated and mysterious way. Dillon brings an appropriate amount of gravity to the role of the puppeteer, though we barely learn anything about him during his brief conversation with Kiera. Expect to see (and hopefully learn) a great deal more about the man behind the curtain and his relationship with Brian Markinson’s deposed Inspector Dillon as we move towards the finale
- Finally, there’s a certain satisfaction watching Inspector Harris (Catherine Lough Haggquist) begrudgingly complement Kiera, though it’s clear that she’ll pounce on any future opportunity to question Kiera’s methods
Best Lines:
- Carlos (referring to the way she treated Patsy): “Now I know you can be a bull in a china shop, but you were way beyond that”
- Alec (when Emily asks if the food will taste good later): “Who cares?” That’s my boy!
What did you think of Kiera’s big reveal? Do you think Carlos handled the news well? Were you pleased to meet Escher so unexpectedly? How do you think Dillon is connected? Comment away below
Continuum airs Fridays at 10pm EST on Syfy