Consistency and follow-through has never been Pretty Little Liars greatest strength, so it’s not surprising that after an episode that strongly advances the Bloody Rose mystery, the show slams on the brakes for a celebration of all things queer.
[Read more…]A Busy ‘Pretty Little Liars: Summer School’ Loses The Plot [S02E04 Review]
One of the strengths of Max’s Pretty Little Liars is how diverse its cast is. This week, that expansive cast of characters is also its downfall as the show is stretched thin with each of our liars’ individual subplots.
[Read more…]“A” Is Reborn in HBO Max’s ‘Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin’ [Review w/ Gayly Dreadful]
Each week Terry and Joe discuss the most recent episodes of HBO Max’s Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin.
Spoilers follow for episodes 1-3
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