Leave it to Quebec filmmakers to find a way to make alien abductions and mid-mid-life crises both intriguing and deeply romantic. But that’s what You Are Not Alone (2024) is.
[Read more…][Blu Review] Shout Factory’s ‘My Bloody Valentine’ Is A Love Letter To Horror Fans
Thanks to Scream Factory, a Canadian cult classic slasher gets the deluxe Blu treatment that it deserves.
Spoilers follow…
[Read more…]
[Review] Canadian Zombie Film ‘Deadsight’ Offers Stripped Down Tension
A blind man and a pregnant police officer try to survive a zombie apocalypse. It’s not the start of a joke; it’s Deadsight. [Read more…]
[Review] Sexual Thriller BIRDLAND Is Short On Plot, Long On Atmosphere
A talented Canadian documentary filmmaker debuts his fiction feature debut, featuring plenty of sex, murder and intrigue. So why doesn’t Birdland work?
Let’s bitch it out… [Read more…]