Courtesy of FOX
In the ho-hum ‘Spellcaster,’ Sleepy Hollow goes to Salem and confirms some anticipated “twists.”
Let’s bitch it out…
The purpose of ‘Spellcaster’ is to verify three things:
- Katrina (Katia Winter) has powerful dark magic within her. Magic that makes her eyes look like Storm from X-Men.
- Henry (John Noble) is back and most definitely in cahoots with Irving (Orlando Jones).
- Crane (Tom Mison) is out of his damn mind if he thinks he can get a 3 bed-2 bath Craftsman with granite countertops on no income. (Dude doesn’t know how to wear Levis, but he knows he wants granite countertops?)
The story o’ the week focuses on Solomon Kent (Johnathan Schaech) who was the-worst-Reverend-ever in late 1600s Salem. Kent was in charge of the local coven, whose membership included Katrina’s ancestors. Then comes the classic story: boy falls in love with girl, girl doesn’t return his affection and rebuffs his kiss, he accidentally stabs her, tries to cover it up and incites the Salem Witch Trials. Tale as old as time. Kent is now inexplicably in modern-day Sleepy Hollow and murdering folks to get his hands on a powerful grimoire to travel back in time to said lady friend. Needless to say, this could change the course of history!
As our team tries to stop him, Kent sees the dark magic flowing within Katrina. But he’s busy making demons rise from pools of his blood, so that takes a back seat. (Side Note: those demons started off scary when they rose from the ground, then started looking a little too much like hockey fans). When Katrina goes out of commission after her magic is depleted, Abbie (Nicole Beharie) says what we’re all thinking: we defeated the supernatural without Katrina before, we can do it again. Yes, yes you can! No one needs Katrina.
In an ill-advised move, Crane and Abbie accept the help of Irving to defeat Kent (Side Note: Irving’s being soooo creepy, how can they NOT know that he’s still working for the dark side?!?). Kent is defeated but the grimoire goes “missing,” and by “missing” I mean Irving pops it into his jacket so he can bring it to Henry…as we expected he would.
That’s right…Henry Parrish is back! And plotting at…well…at a sleazy motel? He is joined by proprietor Mary and her son Ronnie (my new favorite Sleepy Hollow character. More of Ronnie please). Naturally Henry and Ronnie bond over their daddy issues. When Henry sees three thugs threaten Mary and Ronnie, he initially does nothing. Then Henry embraces his role as a wolf (you see, there are sheep and there are wolves…) and snaps their necks. Personally, I don’t think a triple murder will be good for Mary’s business, but a wolf’s gotta do what a wolf’s gotta do. Henry’s ready to bend the world to his will, and we’re just all along for the ride.

Courtesy of FOX
Other Observations:
- Kudos to the writers for figuring out how to take us back to a different time in American history. I was getting sick of those revolutionary war coats.
- I like Crane’s new penchant for 20th century pop-culture, including Edward R. Murrow quotes and acknowledging his own “spidey sense.”
- Did Abbie call Katrina “Kat”?
- This week, Jennie is nowhere to be found, just a throwaway line about her off traipsing the world, looking for an artifact. The show needs to figure out how to more consistently incorporate its supporting cast.
Best Lines:
- Crane (to a blood beast): “Curb thy foul stench unholy minion” Abbie (in response): “We really need to work on your trash talk”
What did you think of ‘Spellcaster’? Are you excited to have Henry back? What do you think of Katrina’s inevitable turn to the dark side? Are you annoyed that Irving is so obviously bad and no one noticed? Sound off below!
Sleepy Hollow airs Mondays at 9pm EST on FOX. Next week we go into the catacombs to find…something. Here’s the preview for ‘What Lies Beneath’