Courtesy of FOX
In ‘Pittura Infamante’ Date Night ends up just the way you’d expect in Sleepy Hollow.
Let’s bitch it out…
Sleepy Hollow heads into the back end of the season with a winning structure: a case of the week with an ongoing thread of the upcoming apocalypse. For the case of the week, the show takes a page (not its first one) out of the ol’ TV Tropes guide with a soul stuck in a painting. This time, a super evil murdering soul. Personally, I’ve found Sleepy Hollow tedious of late (it’s a bad sign when you think to yourself “I wonder what’s going on during Scorpion right now”). But I must say, I jumped a few times at this week’s baddie. Prosthetics and blue makeup can only take you so far. Sometimes you need an old fashioned murderer drenched in blood staring at you through canvas.
Crane (Tom Mison) and Katrina (Katia Winter) continue to work through their marital issues through the age-old remedy: Date Night. While they work together to solve this week’s mystery, it’s interesting to see how dire and serious everything is between them, and the contrast between the married couple and Crane and Abbie’s (Nicole Beharie) comfortable joke when she arrives to save the day is pretty stark.
Speaking of Abbie, she has quite the dilemma on her hands. Captain Irving (Orlando Jones) returned from the dead and ends up at the Sheriff’s Office. Once again, Abbie shows she’s the most reliable member of this “Let’s Avoid the Apocalypse” team, setting aside her emotions at the return of her friend to make smart, rational decisions. She’s not ready to embrace Irving just yet until she figures out if he’s working for the devil. Which seems fair. Unfortunately for her, he ends up being released and now no one knows where he is.
Other Observations:
- Can we talk about how much Crane was seriously rocking that man-bun with the loose tendrils? Damn, son.
- I loved the show’s winking self-awareness when Crane is invited to the Historical Society ball and Abbie calls him out. “No name dropping founding fathers tonight, no first-hand accounts of your apprenticeship with Benjamin Franklin.”
- Despite the show’s ability to make light of itself, it appears that the Crane family is still connected to anyone and everyone famous from back in the day. So obviously Katrina was BFFs with Abigail Adams (Michelle Trachtenberg), who – naturally – was into solving murders.
- Jennie (Lyndie Greenwood) hands down gets the most thankless job of the night: scooping magic bullets out of a slimy dead guy with her bare hands.
- Maybe if John Cho comes back this show will be more exciting. (RIP Selfie…was I the only one that liked that show?)
- Finally, it’s great that Abbie and Jennie hate Katrina as much as we do.
Best line:
- Abigail on Katrina’s pregnancy “Ichabod’s going to be so happy. That is until he meets the little monster.” Bahahaha
What did you think of ‘Pittura Infamante’? Based on the previews (included below), are you excited to learn more about Hawley’s background next week? Sound off below!