Courtesy of FOX
Well kids, it’s that time again. The time when shows try to seduce us with their fall finales to keep us coming back after a holiday full of Hallmark Channel Christmas movies. Did Sleepy Hollow succeed?
Let’s bitch it out…
Yes, Sleepy Hollow fall finale was a win. Not only for creating an engaging hour of television, but for performing a course correction by changing up Henry’s (John Noble) storyline (finally) and solving the problem of too many characters with not enough to do.
When we left off, Moloch (who got a significant face lift or makeup budget increase from the last time we saw him) was rising. Our team is enroute to kill him with the Sword of Methuselah they captured last episode. As a side note, how long does it take this dude to rise? The answer is just enough time (an hour) for our heroes to get their crap together apparently. Big backfire Moloch.
Anyhow…Abbie (Nicole Beharie) and Crane’s (Tom Mison) first stop on the “Prevent Apocalypse 2014” tour is to pick up Katrina (Katia Winter). Unfortunately, Abraham’s (Neil Jackson) stalking has taken a turn for the worse as she’s chained up in the yard as a sacrifice. The team rescues her, but not before learning that whoever uses the Sword of Methuselah to kill Moloch will also lose their soul.
This presents a nice opportunity to make Irving (Orlando Jones) relevant again. Since he’s already lost his soul to Henry, he’s the only one who can wield the sword. And we all know he’s up for the job thanks to his new military haircut. This guy goes dark, complete with Christian Bale’s Batman voice, when he threatens Abraham.
When the team goes to battle against zombies (seriously, it’s a literal zombie apocalypse), it does not end well. Irving kills the Horseman of War (not Henry, just his fancy protective suit), but unfortunately not before he’s mortally wounded. Is it wrong that I thought it was hot when Crane held Abbie back when she found out Irving died? Yes? Oh, okay then…
With one man down, Moloch orders Henry to finish off the team and what Abbie was convinced would be their downfall – Crane and Katrina’s love for their son – turns out to be their saving grace. Henry witnesses his parents love for him when they refuse to kill him, and in contrast sees Moloch disregard everything he’s promised Henry and Abraham. As Henry says as he plunges the sword into Moloch, “any man willing to sacrifice his child shall die.” WHOA.

Courtesy of FOX
Other Observations:
- The strain in Crane and Katrina’s relationship continues. Crane loses faith in her as she makes decisions without him and, more disturbingly, makes googly eyes at Abraham, even getting Irving to spare his life. The married couple decide to act as just “comrades in arms” until Moloch is defeated.
- Is Irving really dead? Or will his soul somehow be resurrected with Henry’s killing of Moloch? If he is dead, it does make sense. He didn’t have anything to do this season, and while I love Orlando Jones, he was definitely dead weight.
- Of course Ichabod loves motorcycles.
- Side Note / Public Service Announcement: I have to say, while I love Sleepy Hollow, it’s a bummer that it is on at the same time as new series Jane the Virgin. If you haven’t seen this show yet, you should. It is undeniably clever and charming. And it has not had its fall finale yet.
Best Line:
- Crane (picking up a Samurai sword): “The Katano sword from the Jakoto period”
- Hawley (Matt Barr): “You have a deep bench my friend”
What did you think? Are you satisfied with Henry’s shifting allegiance? Do you think Irving is truly dead? Did you get a Hocus Pocus vibe when that zombie climbed out of his grave? Sound off below!
Sleepy Hollow has finished airing its 2014 episodes. It returns at an undisclosed time in 2015