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Sleepy Hollow continues to explore relationship dynamics, this time with the help of a succubus (because what supernatural show doesn’t have one?).
Let’s bitch it out…
Henry (John Noble) resurrects a succubus to suck the life force out of her victims. Why? To complete the process of bringing Moloch to earth (who is currently in baby form). I guess that aurora borealis cure was a dud. So how does our team’s relationships fare during the event?
Crane and Katrina
First of all, I’ve never been a Katrina (Katia Winter) fan, but now that I know she talks Crane (Tom Mison) into watching FOX’s version of “The Bachelor,” I’m willing to reconsider my original assessment of her. For the first time in a long while, Crane and Katrina have the chance to actually spend time together which is really valuable considering we’ve never really seen them as a couple. Unfortunately they soon discover they can’t go back to what they once were. Crane is still plagued by doubt about Katrina’s secretiveness (nicely reinforced by the succubus’s diagnosis). Little things don’t help either, like when Katrina mentions that Abraham (Neil Jackson) brought her tea when she was sick. In the end, Crane recognizes, thanks to a little help from Abbie (Nicole Beharie), that relationships evolve, and must be recognized in their current state.
Crane and Abbie
There continues to be tension between our protagonists, with Abbie giving an awesome stink eye every time Crane dotes on Katrina, whom Abbie believes is distracting him from their mission. Awkwardness turns to adorable awkwardness when Crane discovers how Hawley (Matt Barr) feels about Abbie. He gives Abbie his blessing if she wants to explore a “social relationship” with Hawley. Crane also serves as a surrogate father figure, asking Hawley directly what his intentions are towards Abbie (unfortunately for us, there’s no answer).
Abbie and Hawley
Hawley is brought back into the mix because the team needs to track down mystical artifacts. The succubus goes after Hawley by transforming into his deepest desires, which coincidentally looks A LOT like Abbie. Though Abbie insists there’s no time for relationships during the apocalypse, between the slo-mo wrapping of Hawley’s bandage around his abs and giving him the succubus’s heart to sell on the black market, girl’s giving off some “I’m game” vibes. And just wait until Jenny’s back in the mix to witness all of this. Drama!

Courtesy of FOX
Abbie and Katrina
Katrina’s belief that there is still good in Henry remains a sticking point between the two women. Abbie notes there’s a limit to a mother’s love, citing her own (Side Note: nice segue into the next episode, which based on previews will be all about Abbie and Jenny’s mom). Was it me, or was there a not-so-subtle eye roll when Crane tells Abbie to stay with Katrina to protect her instead of hunting the succubus?
In the end, Abbie concedes that the team is stronger with Katrina…just in time for Katrina to realize that it’d be more advantageous for her to return to Abraham so she can murder Moloch.
Other Observations:
- A Horseman of the Apocalypse actually applies for a city permit to get access to cemetery grounds?
- I watched this episode with someone who had never seen SH before. Most comments centered around Hawley:
- When seeing him on screen for the first time, “Is this a Sleepy Hollow/Sons of Anarchy cross-over?”
- When Hawley says “I stay off the grid”: “Who actually says that? What kind of dialogue is this” (complete with eye roll)
- When Katrina returns to Abraham, she’s enamoured with the baby, presumably because the baby is enchanted by the necklace? What does that thing really look like?!?
Best Lines:
- Crane: “The modern world has many remarkable tonics and restoratives. Some of which are chewable”
- Crane (at a nightclub): “Is this music, or attacking the walls at Jericho?”
What did you think? Does Katrina return to Abraham’s house give you déjà vu? Do you like where the show is heading with Abbie and Hawley? Excited to find out about Mama Mills next week? Sound off below!
Sleepy Hollow airs Mondays at 9pm EST on FOX. Here’s your glimpsed of the new episode.