Courtesy of FOX
In “The Kindred,” our witnesses must try to rescue Katrina (Katia Winter), yet again. This time with the help of Franklinstein’s monster (yes, I said Franklinstein’s monster).
Let’s bitch it out…
We pick up where we left off: HH holding Katrina. Abbie (Nicole Beharie) and Crane (Tom Mison) figure that HH is planning to conduct a ceremony in which the harbinger of the apocalypse takes a human bride. Is this good? No. Would I totally watch the reality tv show about planning this disaster? Absolutely!
Through the Sleepy Hollow-patented rationale machine, we discover where HH and Katrina are (“Abraham liked fancy homes” -> “they could only have gone so far” -> “must be Dobbs Ferry!”). Thanks to a related Codex that Jenny (Lyndie Greenwood) acquired for Corbin, the team finds out that Benjamin Franklin (Timothy Busfield) created The Kindred, a (I hope you’re not eating right now…) monster assembled from parts of dead soldiers. The Kindred is the only creature strong enough to rival HH. The only thing they need now is HH’s head to complete The Kindred.
Luckily, they stop by jail to find out from Orlando Jones’ Irving where the head is (“You put the horseman’s head in a bank?!”). After getting said head, Crane and Abbie go to Dobbs Ferry on Operation Try To Rescue Katrina…Yet Again. They finally resurrect The Kindred after some touch and go moments (“well, I’m not the witch in the family!”) and The Kindred begins battling HH, with enough time for Crane to save Katrina.
Wait, what’s this? Katrina is STAYING?! After hearing Henry (John Noble) and HH plotting, Katrina decides she’s of more use on the inside, and she might just be able to save her son (Side Note: I think that ship has sailed…). I’m not 100% convinced it’s not just because HH looks a lot better these days with a magical head.
As the team regroups from the failed rescue attempt, they realize The Kindred is missing, and basically shrug about it. I’m sorry, why are they so chill about the fact that they misplaced the crazy skull-headed monster they created?!? Is anyone else just a little worried about this?
Meanwhile, there’s a new Sheriff in town (literally). With Irving in jail, his replacement, Leena Reyes (Sakina Jaffrey), has arrived. Her charge? “We’re gonna bring some sanity back to this town.” Good luck, lady. Sheriff Reyes offers a taste of something vastly missing from SH… the “WTF?!” factor. Like, why are there random people chilling in the police archives with guns (oh yeah, Jenny gets arrested for that). Or wait, we’re on a small town police department’s budget. Is keeping a “history consultant” on staff really necessary? Why is that?
Just when we thought we were done for the night, what’s this? Holy crap! Henry Parrish shows up as Captain Irving’s lawyer (side note: I completely forgot they had never met before!). I’m pretty sure Irving just signed his soul away to the devil. Literally. Obviously this is bad news for him, and great news for us.

Courtesy of FOX
Other Observations:
- As much as this show kills it with the great one liners, I could have done without the obligatory “even a man from the 18th century won’t stop to ask for directions”. Sigh…
• Is it me or do they go to the same underground tunnel in Every. Single. Episode? Has there really been absolutely no excavating in the town of Sleepy Hollow in the past 150 years? Sleepy Hollow was the #1 new show in 2013, let’s get these folks some new/expanded set pieces!
Best Lines:
- Abbie to Crane: “My faith in you is my greatest weakness.” Big smile.
- Crane: “Apparently Benjamin Franklin prepared and preserved a body” Jenny: “Oh Joy”
- Crane: “Thomas Jefferson once said banking institutions were more dangerous than standing armies” Abbie: “Just stand in line and go with the flow”
- Abby (upon raising The Kindred): “So should we light candles or something?” Crane: “…only if you wish to set a mood.”
What did you think? Are you glad Katrina finally got some agency? Or are you secretly peeved she’s still alive? Are you concerned about the missing Kindred? And how screwed is Irving? Sound off below!
Sleepy Hollow airs Mondays at 9pm EST on FOX