Courtesy of ABC
In ‘The Last Supper’, it’s time to take down Rowan (Joe Morton) and get some major payoffs from mundane stakeouts.
Let’s bitch it out…
To quote Katie Lowes’ Quinn, “I’m so bored.” Not with this episode (which is solid), but with this love triangle. It’s repetitive and exhausting. Just pick Jake (Scott Foley) already! But I digress…
We open with Liv (Kerry Washington), Fitz (Tony Goldwyn) and Jake trying to figure out how to make Rowan pay for, well, all thse people he’s killed. Liv wants to do it by the book with a secret, legal trial while Jake (I’m sorry, ‘Captain Ballard’) figures he might as well dust off the thousands of B613 files in the storage locker that David Rosen (Joshua Malina) never used.
Throughout the episode, the team assembles all of the evidence and sets a trap for Rowan that everyone but Liv can see coming a mile away (she seems to think it is a fantastic master plan). She calls Rowan to set up a dinner date, and has dozens of special ops positioned to move in for capture. After a rousing speech about Liv being the most important thing in his life until now, Rowan kills all of those poor special ops guys and (presumably) flees. Oh, and those evidence files? All blank pages. Damn, he’s good.
Over in the land of our second favorite adulterous relationship, the VP (Jon Tenney) is back. After an attempted assassination attempt, Mellie (Bellamy Young) realizes how much she misses him and jumps him in his office after kicking the doctors out (subtle). For a split second, we can be happy Mellie’s finally getting some. But wait, there’s more.
Elizabeth North’s hair Elizabeth North (Portia de Rossi) contacts Liv to figure out who’s tapping her phone. As we all know, it’s Cyrus (Jeff Perry) trying to figure out how much info Michael (Matthew Del Negro) is feeding her. When Liv finds out, she lies to her client to clear Cyrus. She also discovers that Michael is a “hooker with a heart of gold” who has access to a lot more juicy stuff than what he’s fed Elizabeth – because he actually cares about Cyrus.
The OPA team finds out Elizabeth has a secret apartment and sets-up surveillance. And here’s where it gets really good. First, Quinn’s and Huck’s surveillance missions converge when Kubiak (the boring killer of teenage girls) shows up at Elizabeth’s. Then, in walks the Vice President, who starts making out with Elizabeth (poor Mellie). And THEN, Huck (Guillermo Diaz) and Quinn have to kill Kubiak out of self-defense in front of Huck’s son, Javi. Damn.

Courtesy of ABC
Other Observations:
- Seriously, do you think someone in the writer’s room was dared to make a drinking game out of the phrase “stand in the sun”? Because it gets tossed around A LOT.
- I love it when Jake calls out David for not using the files. “I should have used them months ago…this is my chance to redeem myself.”
- Ella still exists!
- Huck and Quinn’s relationship is perfect right now. They have friendly banter and she orders him to entertain her when she’s bored on a stakeout. They help murder an assassin. This is how their relationship should be!
Best Line:
- Jake (to Liv): “I don’t want justice, I want to kill your father”
What did you think? Were you surprised that the VP and Elizabeth are having an affair? Were you not surprised that Rowan got away? Sound off below!
Scandal airs Thursdays at 9pm EST on ABC