Courtesy of NBC
In the wake of last week’s death (still fist pumping), everyone is acting like they’ve got a bug up their a*s. On the plus side, this earns Charlie (Tracy Spiridakos) a slap across the face, so all is right with the world.
Let’s bitch it out…
+ (Pros)
- Charlie’s bada*sery: She’s still hella annoying, but at least she’s accruing some fighting skills that allow her to protect the rebels compound. Of course, when given the chance to shoot Randall (Colm Feore) she manages to only shoot at his feet, but …baby steps, right?
- Increased diversity: With the attention paid to Jim Hudson (Malik Yoba), the show finally ups its colour-blind casting past one actor (that would be Daniella Alonso’s Nora). It’s about time we break free of this WASP-fest
- Teasing the Tower: Answers! Rachel (Elizabeth Mitchell) is actually going to divulge answers! It’s like Christmas…only at Easter!
– (Cons)
- Mother/daughter conflict: The make-up/break-up conflict between Rachel and Charlie is completely groan-worthy. Each time Rachel apologizes for being a bad mother, I kinda just want to punch her in the face
- So, Aaron (Zak Orth) is Mister Google, but he’s too dumb to figure out that the pendants are flashdrives? And apparently Miles (Billy Burke) tried “everything” to destroy them, but Rachel can just drop them in acid and they melt like butter? You can’t have it both ways, Revolution!
- Rachel’s capture: She literally runs into a group of militia. Also, the use of slow-mo in these sequences is egregious

Courtesy of NBC
~ (On The Fence)
- Everyone’s bitchery: I get it – Danny is dead and everyone is totally upset. In a show where we had actually cared about him, we might even feel the same way. But Danny sucked – like a vacuum, people. So although narratively this makes sense, it’s not exactly great TV watching them bemoan the death of a character who nearly killed the first ten episodes
- Randall’s backstory: So we learn that Randall lost his son, Edward, in combat. Also, he was the acting head of the Department of Defense. 2+2 = blackout (I love these completely black and white rationalizations for world-affecting decisions). So, Randall instgated the blackout. Fantastic! We still have no idea why he wants to start the world over with power in the hands of a select few, or why Monroe (David Lyons) is his preferred choice. More please
Best Lines:
- Miles: “Look at me. I’m with the rebels now. God bless America.” Okay drunky brewster
- Russell (when Monroe complains people don’t talk meanly to him): “Most people don’t have the power to hand you a continent.”
- Randall: “Did you really think I came all this way for jewelry? I came all this way for you and your giant brain” Things that sound good in your head, buddy
What are your thoughts on this second half of S1? Are you feeling more tolerable towards Charlie? Do you think Rachel and Miles are apologizing for Danny’s death too much? Are you interested in getting to know Jim? And what/where is the Tower? Comment away below
Revolution airs Mondays at 10pm EST on NBC