Courtesy of NBC
After an extended leave of absence (seemingly forever), Revolution returns to try and save NBC’s fortunes. But the real question is whether anything has changed in the intervening months to improve the show?
Let’s bitch it out…
Well, if it’s a return to action, semi-inane plotting and one spectacularly praise-worthy character action you wanted, then yes!
+ (Pros)
- Danny (Graham Rogers) dies: Hallelujah, praise chorus! The second worst character on the show is dead. Oh sure, Revolution tried to give him a hero’s death, but we all know that the kid was an idiot and he deserved to die
- Interesting mythology: Randall (Colm Feore) arrives at Monroe’s (David Lyons) looking to help out. Rachel (Elizabeth Mitchell) finds a night-light/homing beacon in Danny’s chest. Things are still interesting, even if the pace is only slightly faster moving than a glacier
- Action: The show has never hurt for explosions and shootings, but ‘The Stand’ features some pretty solid setpieces. Guess the advent of amulet-enhanced weaponry will do that for a show
– (Cons)
- Unbalanced plotting: As nice as the continued mythology is, the show still struggles to balance its various elements. The flashbacks are awkward and stagey, the dialogue perfunctory and as strong as the action is, it remains completely unbelievable (Billy Burke’s Miles practically takes on a missile head-on and easily survives)
- Hilarious acting:
NateJason’s (JD Pardo) reaction to the news that Neville (Giancarlo Esposito) intends to order an air strike on Charlie (Tracey Spiridakos) is unintentionally hilarious and awful. I guess he’s the new Danny? - False emotionality: Obviously Danny’s death is meant to change things, but because no one likes him, it doesn’t. When we see Rachel and Charlie so distraught, it simply doesn’t work
- Romantic triangles: Miles + Rachel + Nora (Daniella Alonso) = no. Just don’t
- Neville’s slap: We know how dangerous Giancarlo Esposito can be, so what the hell is up with Tom’s girly slap when Jason disaobeys him?!

Courtesy of NBC
Draw (Jury’s Still Out)
- Grace’s (Maria Howell) storyline: Although Randall is on the move, Grace remains out of place at some non-descript factory trying to get an elevator down to the 12th floor. Could be interesting, but for now? Yawn
- Randall’s mission: While I’m glad Colm Feore is getting more to do, we have no idea what Randall is doing. Why is he acting now? Why did he wait? Why does he even need Monroe? I’m sure we’ll get more answers shortly, so for now this storyline falls firmly in the “draw” category
Lazy Writing of the Week Award
- Nick of time wagon rescue: Obviously it was inevitable that Miles and Rachel would rescue Charlie and the others, but it’s still borderline idiotic writing that they arrive in the nick of time in a g*ddamn wagon (in the middle of a battle with two choppers, no less!) The camera pushing in on everyone’s stunned reaction is similarly laughable
Best Lines:
- Rebel leader: “If we go down, we go down as Americans.” Oh gag
Soooo…Revolution is back. Are you happy to see the rebels again? Do you think that the show is better, especially given that they’ve killed off Danny? Do you care that he died? Are you pleased that the death is being used as justification to keep them invested in the war against Monroe? And finally, what do you think Randall’s plan is? Comment away below
Revolution airs Mondays at 10pm EST on NBC