Courtesy of The CW
A murder investigation becomes personal when Liv (Rise McIver) suspects her police partner, Clive (Malcolm Goodwin) may be involved.
Let’s bitch it out…
After the murder of Sammy Wong, a member of the Asian gang Blue Cobras, Liv becomes paranoid that Clive is a dirty cop. Unlike other cases when Liv recognizes the extent to which the brains she eats affects her, however, Liv seems unaware that Sammy’s paranoia is affecting her perception. It’s pretty clear that Clive is not, in fact, dirty, so Liv’s investigation into Sammy’s death is simply intended to provide us with insight into the series’ least developed main character. What we learn is that Clive was suspended when he worked in Vice because he got too close to his confidential informants and that his time as a deep undercover agent in the Blue Cobras cost him a year of his life. It’s not much more than we already knew, but at least a piece of Clive’s history has come into sharper focus.
On the personal side, Liv’s early morning encounter with Major (Robert Buckley) and his new fling Corinne (Elise Gatien) prompts Liv to stage an intervention. She hussles both her ex and her boss, Ravi (Rahul Kohli), into becoming roommates, though ironically they both understand that her interest in Major’s living status is a sign that Liv isn’t quite ready to let him go. It’s another glimmer of hope that Liv will somehow manage to recover a semblance of her former life…or at least transition smoothly into her new half-dead life (as her discarded school mug suggests).
Other Observations:
- Blaine (David Anders) is far more adept at adapting to zombification than Liv. His business plan includes a brain chef to cater to his $25,000 a month clients and a few flunkies. ‘Liv And Let Clive’ is an extended treatise on how he maintains control of his empire: we see the dumb jocks he hires rebel, plot, and ultimately succumb to their ambition. Along the way we receive confirmation that he is, in fact, killing the street kids (including poor Jerome from last episode) and using their brains to feed the rich.
- In case you’re wondering, the zombie regiment includes manis, spray tans, smoothies and swims. Actually looks kinda luxurious.
- Liv’s brother, Evan (Nick Purcha) is super annoying. Is he meant to be so dumb and childish?
- What’s more amusing: the fact that Liv actually utters The Matrix line “I know Kung-Fu” or that she actually gets to use it on Blue Cobra leader AJ when he attacks her at home?
- Finally, is it racially offensive for Liv to wish that different ethnic brains tasted like the cultural cuisine from which they originate? Survey says yes.
Best Lines:
- Blaine (after she suggests she should get a discount for answering booty calls): “Oh Jackie, I made you a zombie. I would never make you a whore.”
- Blaine (chastising a henchman for trying to grab a brain snack): “Brains are for closers.”
- Liv (to Evan): “Let me know if you see anything suspicious, especially with that guy and his so-called dog.”
- Liv (explaining to Clive how she took out AJ): “I don’t know how many take back the night self-defense seminars they taught at your sorority house, but I could pretty much take out Batman with a spiral notebook and a student ID card.”
Your turn: Do you feel like you have more insight into Clive now? Is Evan the most annoying character on the show? Are you excited to see Major and Ravi as roommates? Does Blaine’s capitalist venture entice you? Sound off below.
iZombie airs Tuesdays at 9pm EST on The CW. Next week: Liv gets a suitor