Courtesy of ABC
After last week’s episode, secrets in Storybrooke are starting to multiple as the outside world has begun to infiltrate the small Maine town. Everyone is after magic, so there’s no better time to reintroduce an old favourite into the mix.
Let’s bitch it out…
‘Selfless, Brave And True’ brings about the return of August (Eion Bailey), who has been MIA since we saw him mingling with Neal (Michael August Booth). The biggest difference is obviously his change in appearance as he is now completely made of wood (insert your own dirty adult joke here). While the episode is primarily concerned with how this change came about, there’s a far more interesting storyline at play – that of Neal’s (Michael Raymond-Jones) fiancée, Tamara (Sonequa Martin-Green).
I’ve had a feeling that there was something off about Tamara since we were first introduced to her in 2×15) ‘The Queen Is Dead’. It felt like a very random, hasty intro, but it was clearly meant to suggest big things. At the time it simply seemed to suggest that any kind of romantic engagement Emma (Jennifer Morrison) might have with Neal would be challenging because he’s with the “wrong partner” (Side Note: not that Emma needs any other boys vying for her attention, what with Hook and August in the mix).
As 2×18 makes it clear, however, Tamara will have a much more significant role than simply foiling a potential romance. She’s up to no good and now we have not one, but two strangers hanging out in Storybrooke.
Last week we discovered that Greg (Ethan Embry) has a secret history with the town when his father was more-or-less kidnapped by Regina (Lana Parrilla). This week, we learn that Tamara has a similar history – only hers takes place outside of Storybrooke. Her connection is with August and a medicine man called The Dragon in Hong Kong. Their adventure once again draws on Once’s connection to Lost as Tamara’s backstory with August has all the bearings of a Jack & Sawyer tale. Mystical object? Check. Foreign location? Check. Conning each other? Check. Not exactly a new story, even if it interesting to spend the majority of the hour outside of Storybrooke and apart from our traditional cast of characters.
Meanwhile, back in Storybrooke, things are as dull as ever. Emma, Snow (Ginnifer Goodwin), Charming (Josh Dallas) and Henry (Jared Gilmore) are looking for August, but in truth the majority of their screentime is dedicated to minor points on their own larger character arc. Along the way we get hints that Snow’s heart is blackening (blah) and Emma is desperate to recover Henry’s trust after she lied about Neal.
It all ends in a non-climax as Tamara tasers August, somehow killing him even though he’s made entirely of wood (Side Note: Seriously, Tamara uses a Taser to kill two people?! Is the taser meant to be a representative weapon for a New Yorker? Because it is a really weird murder weapon). Since this is Once Upon A Time, August isn’t actually dead (did anyone actually fall for that?). Thankfully he’s demonstrated fairy tale properties, so he gets revived and rejuvenated as a creepy little leiderhosen boy who has no memory of who killed him. Because…of course. It’s strange to me that Once would remove the drama of killing off a character and making Tamara a truly despicable character. It’s as though the ending scene when she shows up at Tamara’s place looking for nooky is meant to be enough for us to dislike her – killing August would have been overkill.

Courtesy of ABC
Other Observations:
- This new development kinda sucks for Eion Bailey – guess he’s done with the show?
- It seems obvious to me that The Dragon isn’t dead since he indicates to X that she has yet to see his true form. Soo…who is he? I’m wracking my fairytale directory and coming up empty (are we back in Mulan territory?)
- I harp on the CGI effects on this show pretty regularly, but holy mother of gawd is August’s wooden face awful. Like laugh out loud, hilariously terrible bad. Like poorly made video game character bad. Like “did ABC slash the FX budget for the show?” bad. BAD BAD BAD
- Is it just me or is the chemistry off between Snow and Charming? When she confesses to him about her blackened heart, both of their reactions seem strangely muted and disaffected. Considering these two are a real life couple, there’s a serious lack of connection. Where is the heat? Back in S1 these two were the best part of the show and now they seem to be phoning it in
- Finally, just in case you’re wondering what the first sign of a blackened heart is, it’s when you slap an old man. Consider yourself warned
What did you think of the episode – are you excited that there’s another villain in Storybrooke? Which of Emma’s many manly suitors do you want her to hook up with? Do you still feel the chemistry between Snow and Charming? And are you sad that Eion Bailey has been more or less written off of the show? Comment away below
Once Upon A Time airs Sundays at 8pm EST on ABC
-As I was watching the episode, with my sister, who is now engrossed in it, yes!, I was wondering how much less of Regina I will see. After that died down, I started to watch and liked it.
-The opening of the episode got me wondering, where exactly was August and how the hell did he learn to speak a different language so fast? I found that to be bothersome for some reason.
-As a tumblr put it, Trollgina had me rolling when she interacted with Snow. I laughed so hard at that. “Blackened Sole”…
-Getting into the meat of the story, I thought it played out well. My sister was racking her brain trying figure out who Tamara could be, because she is evil after all, but knew about Magic.
I swear, I thought she was another character from Fairytale world.
-The way the show played out with Tamara/August/Dragon was so good. I wanted more actually. I also wanted to see her lab where she tested the magic stuff. Seriously, how much money does she have. “Every test known to man”?, that screams money.
-And yeah, I too was wondering who the Dragon was. It has to be Mulan right? I’m backlogged on my Asian fairytales.
-And also the taser thing. That was a big WTF moment, unless this time she found magic.
-Snow’s blackening heart is a great back story because it gives her character depth. Plus it’s not like she hasn’t killed before. Remember the early episodes of her with her bow and arrow and really bad wig thing in the forest? She may have killed to defend, but she killed anyway. Plus she’s boring and needs something.
-What happened to Emma? Remember when she was interesting?
-Which of Emma’s many manly suitors do you want her to hook up with? I have no idea. And to be honest, I don’t care really.
-Do you still feel the chemistry between Snow and Charming? There is something off. It’s probably because they are boring and Charming lost his lip gloss or something.
-And are you sad that Eion Bailey has been more or less written off of the show? You know, he reminds me of how we get teased with things and we want it to last and when it doesn’t we get upset. I was longing for his return, because he’s a very good looking fella and I liked his story, not the Pinnochio thing, but that he was a really not so nice person. What he did to Neal and Emma was great and mean all at once.
-Yes, I’m glad there is another villain. Regina can’t be the only hated person there. Come on now! The real challenge will be, who will look better in their shirt slacks, because Regina is flawless with her clothing.
I also think there is something weird about Tamara & Neal. They never kissed hello, he never said I love you,and Tamara said the lamest I love you ever. She jumped up and threw Emma in his face pretty pretty damn quick. As for August I think he was a master manipulator, especially when it came to Neal and Emma. It was his fault that Emma was off track & met Neal, and he separated 3 people who should never have been separates. He used Neal’s feelings for Emma, specifically to scare him about his Dad, keep Emma on her path.
I do not think he recovered from it, but he still has this innocence in his emotions, ie. love, that he had before, but much more hardened from when we last saw him. Tamara? I have no clue what her deal is, but she stalked August, and ran towards Neal with that coffee at top speed. But I do not think that is a normal taser.
I found that taser extremely annoying, the dragon i got, you can supercharge those things… But August? He was made of wood and as far as I know wood doesn’t conduct electricity. But if people who don’t believe see him as a regular human being is het actually made of wood? Or some kind of mass halucination.
I cannot concieve snow and charming to be a couple in real life, they have less passion than two dead fish… They are by far the most uninteresting characters in the series.
But I was glad that Gepeto was alowed to do something more than fix his sign. I wish they will let other characters be part of the story again, like granny and red, grumpy and dr. Hopper etc. It’s frustrating that they are simply part of te background…
Agreed re: Granny, Red, etc being part of the story. They have this great supporting cast, but they so rarely allow them to do anything!