Courtesy of ABC
After a month long hiatus, Nashville returns with a solid(ish) episode that somehow still feels lacking.
Let’s bitch it out…
Although ‘When You’re Tired Of Breaking Other Hearts’ makes great strides with the storylines for many of the characters, I’m left wanting for some reason that I can’t quite put my finger on. Maybe because many of the storylines are so unsatisfying right now? That must be it. I know that the writers have to keep the dramatic tension up, but honestly, I would like it if even ONE of the characters on the show is happy!
Now before you jump in and say that Deacon (Charles Esten) is happy because he asked vet Stacey (Susan Misner) on a real date, I counter that he’s only dating her because Rayna (Connie Britton) just isn’t ready yet (she’ll get there my man, just wait for her!).
And then there’s the unhappy ones like Gunnar (Sam Palladio) and Scarlett (Clare Bowen). We all know I have been pulling for Gunnar and Scarlett from the beginning, but when they fumble through and finally make it work, the suggestion at the end of the episode is that her solo deal will break them apart again.
Rayna is like a lost puppy when it comes to Teddy (Eric Close) – her adulterous husband has suddenly grown a backbone and she doesn’t know what to do.
And finally there’s Juliette (Hayden Panettiere), who decides to grow up, but its got such a depressing undertone that I can’t even bring myself to be happy about it. See?! Please just give me one person who is happy next week and maybe I’ll feel a little more settled.

Courtesy of ABC
Other Observations:
- Okay seriously? This addiction counselor’s name is Dante Rivas (Jay Hernandez)?! Umm.. am I the only person who had NO clue that was his name on the show until right now?! Regardless, he must not be a very good counselor. He spends his whole day doing yoga with Jolene (Sylvia Jeffries) and trying to get Juliette to admit she’s a spoiled brat because her mother was a drunk. Then, he can just up and go on tour with them on a whim like that? He has no other clients? No work to report to? Nobody to check with? AND he blew 50 MILLIONS DOLLARS?! Who the hell is this guy??
- Maybe the reason I’m feeling a bit unsettled is because we went an entire episode without one song from my darling Gunnar. Take note writers: this is not okay and I will revolt if this keeps up.
- This Avery (Jonathan Jackson) business has gone on long enough. I’m tired of seeing him struggle with his contract to Wyclef Jean (or Dominic King as he’s supposed to be known on the show). We get it – you made a mistake and now you’re struggling because your “art” is being compromised and you just want to play what you want to play and be true to your craft, etc etc etc. We’ve seen this story a million times. If Avery thinks that giving them a cheque and the keys to the car is going to be the end of it, I fear that we’ve got much more Avery drama to come.
- On the plus side, the song Avery does at the Bluebird to close off the episode is actually really beautiful. It gives me hope that maybe he’s not a waste of space after all. (I was a fan of Jonathan Jackson for years on General Hospital, so I’m surprised that I dislike him so much on this show. I guess he’s a better actor than I gave him credit for back in the GH days).
- How awesome is that Rayna James ass-kicking that Juliette gets? Finally someone has enough balls to call it like it is! If anyone can make you feel like dirt, it’s the mighty Connie Britton calling you out. Bravo. Now if only Rayna could turn some of that ass-kicking on her reptile husband and knock him down a few pegs as well. That man won’t be able to walk through the door soon enough because his head is getting so big.
- I must admit that Juliette looks absolutely stunning at her mosh pit show. Girl knows how to rock that blonde hair and red lipstick like nobody else.
- The irony of Deacon saving his own child and then saying she’s “like family” is almost too much to handle. There aren’t even words. When will this man find out the truth?!!?
- I actually cringed at some of the things Gunnar said to Scarlett after their night of unbridled passion (or that’s how I like to think of it anyway…) This episode did not win Gunnar any points in my book, except when he finally grows a pair and gets up to get her in the middle of the night. But I fear the damage has been done and this love affair will be short lived. For once I actually hope I’m wrong!
So how did you feel about ‘When You’re Tired of Breaking Other Hearts”? Were you happy with how the stories move forward? Or do you feel unsettled like I do? Do you think Rayna should call out Teddy publicly for being the one who broke up their marriage? Sound off below!
Nashville airs Wednesdays nights at 10pm EST on ABC