Courtesy of ABC
Well, a month off was tough for me. But tonight’s episode of Nashville comes back strong and reminds me why I’m so in love with this show.
Let’s bitch it out…
Let’s start with the Juliette (Hayden Panettiere) and Sean (Tilky Jones) elopement. Well, if I was suspect before that Juliette only wanted to get married to be able to sleep with Sean, I’m fully convinced now. That’s basically the only time she’s smiling throughout the entire episode! It became blatantly clear to me at the beginning of the episode when Sean talks about how great their little wedding was and she misunderstands and thinks he’s referencing the sex they just had. Well geez, I didn’t think she needed to get married just to get laid! She’s a pretty famous person, I’m sure there’s an easier way.
Regardless, they are now married, have consummated said marriage, and she is no better off when it comes to Sean’s family. In fact, in the last episode, she at least had his father Brock (Boo Arnold) on her side. Now it’s become clear that no one is actually happy about this marriage other than poor Sean; not even the bride who suggested it.
Honestly, I was shocked when she bailed on the wedding at the last second. It’s made worse because she knows that there are reporters there and she will be leaving Sean standing at the altar. That’s pretty cold. It’s obvious that she was having second thoughts, but wow, she just ripped Grandma’s necklace right off and hopped on her private jet while still wearing her wedding whites! Should be interesting to see how this plays out. Combine the fact that his family is super religious, he is a bit of a star in his own right, and she is on the cusp of a national tour… well Juliette playing runaway bride will certainly cause some drama, that’s for sure!

Courtesy of ABC
Almost as shocking is the fact that Teddy (Eric Close) actually grows a backbone this week! I nearly applauded when he stands up for his family to Lamar (Powers Boothe). Way to finally add some depth to the character! It’s no secret that I’m no fan of Teddy’s, but I actually warmed up to him a little tonight. Wow, I really DID miss this show!
And the shocks just keep on coming when we finally get confirmation that Teddy and Rayna’s oldest daughter Maddie (Lennon Stella) is not Teddy’s biologically. Not only that, but Teddy knew all along! So the only obvious assumption here is that Rayna (Connie Britton) was pregnant when Deacon (Charles Esten) went in to rehab and that’s why she married Teddy so quickly. And I LOVE it. It’s a secret that’s guaranteed to come back again and bring Rayna and Deacon closer together when he finds out (since clearly that’s where I want this to go). Teddy may claim to be her only father now, but when Deacon finds out, that’s going to change real quick!
Other observations:
- How is possible that I’m only getting to my comments about Gunnar (Sam Palladio) now?! That is the sign of how much there is to discuss! It essentially boils down to this: he is a lost puppy without Scarlett (Clare Bowen) and he learns that when she returns to him at episode’s end. Simple as that.
- I am confused as to why Hailey (Chloe Bennet) talks to Gunnar about how she’s going to do whatever it takes to bring him and Scarlett back together… because Scarlett comes back on her own. So that’s a pretty pointless scene. We’ve known they’re meant to be together since the pilot. No newsflash there.
- Remember when I said that I hated the idea of Deacon going on tour with those sober rockers? Well I hate it even more now after seeing it become a reality. I know that we still get to see him a fair amount, but he just looks so sad and lonely, and he’s in the background too much. These guys are dimming the bright light that is Deacon Claybourne and that is unacceptable! I remain hopeful that next week he will ditch these losers and jump onto the Rayna/Juliette tour. Plus, I’m tired of seeing him have sex with random women. He belongs with Rayna. Why is that so hard for everyone to understand?!
- I don’t even want to give the Avery (Jonathan Jackson) storylines any attention at all, but I must address how incredibly disappointed I am to see Scarlett have breakup sex with him (wow – there really is a lot of sex in this episode, isn’t there?!). I mean, COME ON. I thought she had moved on. Gunnar kissed her and professed his love for goodness sake! What is wrong with this woman?!
So what did you think of tonight’s episode? Were you shocked by the cliffhanger or did you see that coming? Does anyone else think that Deacon is going to ditch his new band and go running back where he belongs? Sound off below!
Nashville airs on Wednesday nights at 10pm EST on ABC