Courtesy of ABC
Tonight’s episode provides us with some answers (albeit disappointing ones), but oh so many more end up being raised. We also get put on an emotional roller coaster of secrets and lies. Most importantly, however, we get a delicious scene of Deacon (Charles Eston) and Teddy (Eric Close) that I can’t wait to discuss!
Let’s bitch it out…
First and foremost, I cannot describe to you the simple joy I feel when the show opens with Rayna (Connie Britton) and Deacon in bed together. I have been rooting for these two since the beginning (you know… four episodes ago) and wishing for a family to fall apart so they can be together. So in the instant that I realize its just a dream, my heart sinks. How can Nashville just toy with my emotions this way?!
I am a huge fan of the Rayna/Deacon scenes and tonight is no exception. While I’m not happy with the outcome of these scenes the past two episodes, I still think they’re the best scenes of the show. Talk about toying with my emotions! I can’t believe Deacon could just walk away so cold hearted when Rayna cries in front of him. “Are we done here?” has such a deeper meaning and all I wanted was for her to fight for him. But when she tells Teddy that she’s going to fire Deacon, I couldn’t pick up my jaw off the ground. Um, this is not how their love story is supposed to play out. Am I the only one who knows this?! Why are the writers doing this to me? Deacon won’t wait around forever, and it seems that he’s getting to the end of his rope 20 years later. If Rayna pushes him away, it will be right into Juliette’s (Hayden Panettiere) eager, open arms.
So, did anyone else feel that the explanation for the shoplifting was hugely anticlimactic? I was waiting for some stroke of genius that she did it to take publicity away from her mother… or something. I just feel like her reason falls a little flat. But I do love the entire Juliette storyline this week. Watching her fall apart is exactly what I’ve been waiting for. She’s been too smug and self righteous, so I love seeing her lose more and more. Since the first episode, I thought that we were going to end up with a Rayna/Juliette tour because Rayna’s desperate. But after tonight’s episode I’m beginning to think that it will be Juliette who needs Rayna’s help – not the other way around. Oh how the mighty have fallen!

Courtesy of ABC
In other OMG news…while I love Rayna/ Deacon scenes, tonight I have to give it up to the boys. The entire scene at the country club (from the time Deacon arrives through to the performance with the dagger-y eye contact between the men) is perfection. Everything about it is a joy to watch. Deacon is gold and Eric Close steps it up tonight too. The verbal and emotional sparring between these boys over the great Rayna James.. well let’s just say I don’t envy her decision (Ok, that’s a lie. We all know what I would do, but in these scenes, I actually would’ve struggled a bit).
A few more observations:
- I hope I’m not the only one who loves seeing Kimberly Williams-Paisley as a guest star tonight. Based on the questions raised about her character Peggy’s secret with Teddy, I think we’ll get to see much more of her in weeks to come.
- When it comes to Teddy, all we get are questions. What happened with the deal that went bad a few years ago? What was he burning in the fireplace last week? Why didn’t he ask Rayna to perform at the country club originally? What the heck secret does he have with Peggy? Sooner or later, Nashville is going to have to start giving us some answers, or Teddy could rival James Bond for man with the most secrets.
- The whole Scarlett (Clare Bowen), Gunnar (Sam Palladio), Avery (Jonathan Jackson) storyline is just feeling so blah to me. Yeah yeah, we get it. Avery is jealous of her success, and jealous of her relationship with Gunnar. Gunnar is in love with her, but finally decides to move on, just as she thinks maybe she’s with the wrong man. We’ve seen this story a million times before and I just keep waiting for them to step it up a bit.
So what did you think about tonight’s episode? Did you love the scene between the boys as much as I did? Do you think I’m swooning over Rayna and Deacon too much? Am I the only one that’s bored with the Scarlett/Gunnar/Avery story? Sound off below!
Nashville can be seen Wednesday nights at 10pm EST on ABC