Courtesy of Showcase
Break out your couture gowns and your emancipation papers because it’s time to divorce daddy as Lost Girl wraps up the first half of its final season.
Let’s bitch it out…
Case of the Week: It’s the mid-season finale of the final season so the writers have wisely ditched an unnecessary case of the week in order to focus on the forthcoming zombie apocalypse (or whatever it is that Hades plans to use in bringing about the Terminator-esque future glimpsed in the “Cock-a-tale” drink/future). After receiving party invitations to a soireé hosted by Zeus (Amanda Walsh) and the other Ancients/Gods, Bo (Anna Silk) rallies the “superfriends”. Turns out that Zeus wants to give Bo what she desires most which, according to the Oracles’ intel, is to be free from daddy dearest. Emancipation from Hades takes the form of (natch) a magical ceremony, including an Indiana Jones-style weapon selection that will either cut Hades’ “umbilical-cord” tie to Bo or just plain kill her. Good fun all around (though I would have preferred the leeches or the minotaur horn instead of a plain-old dagger, myself).
What’s fun about ‘End of Faes’ is that everything about the party screams “TRAP”. Normally forecasting everything in advance ruins the fun, but here the writers wisely acknowledge that Zeus and the other Ancients can’t be trusted and they do so repeatedly. It occurs both verbally and in action when Lauren (Zoie Palmer) and Tamsin (Rachel Skarsten) hold Hera (Noam Jenkins) hostage as a back-up plan…because clearly these people cannot be trusted.
Unfortunately the vision that Bo and Trick (Rick Howland) experience is a truth-filled prophecy, but not in the way they anticipate. Naturally Zeus allows them to fill in the blanks so that they blame the grim future on Hades, but the simple fact is that it is someone else’s fault that things go down they way they do…
Stupid Mark: As expected, bringing Mark (Luke Bilyk) – the least experienced member of the team – to the party is a colossal mistake. Charged with chatting up Iris (Shanice Banton), Mark ends up schlupping her (predictable), empowering her to remove her bracelet (easily the most egregiously obvious plot development in the episode). If there’s a silver lining it is that he is ultimately stabbed for his stupidity by Iris’ human parents.
Thankfully (sadly?) lover-man Vex (Paul Amos) is able to get Mark to Dyson (Kris Holden-Ried) and Lauren who discover him near death. Since this is a cliffhanger, we’re clearly meant to question whether Mark lives or dies, but I doubt he’ll die.
Valkyrie Down: I doubt Mark will die primarily because I think Tamsin’s death will stick. The heartbroken Valkyrie spends most of the episode whining about Bo and how much it hurts to love. Basic jilted ex stuff. Unfortunately these are likely our final memories of her since every indication suggests that Tam-Tam’s final life has come to an abrupt end courtesy of Zeus’ lightning bolt. In hindsight I probably should have seen that coming, not just because Tamsin has been #1 on my death poll the whole season, but also because Zeus’ damaging lightning bolts were clearly referenced earlier in the episode.
Fashion Police: Admittedly none of the outfits are as va-va-voom as they have been for previous formal occasions, but there’s still plenty to discuss. Without further ado, let’s grade the fashion!
- Bo: The dress is a great cut that shows off an ample amount of skin, but the faux-diamonds look cheap (paging cubic zirconia). What I really hate, though, is the flesh tone jewel-encrusted arm stocking. This dress would have been so much nicer without! Grade: B
- Tamsin: I quite like the backless white dress with the holy cow slit, but those flowers down the left arm make it look like Tamsin got attacked by a crazed florist. Grade: B+
- Lauren: I think this is the best dress of the bunch (I would have liked thinner shoulder straps and a better fit, but let’s not quibble). The paisley colour works well with Palmer’s skin tone and hair and the dress has an earthy, romantic quality that fits Lauren’s personality. Grade: A
- Zeus: The red outfit is obviously hot, but the vertical slits don’t really do much for Amanda Walsh’s figure. The biggest atrocity, however, is the oversized bling collar that looks like it is choking her. It draws way too much attention, even if it does compliment Bo’s outfit (like niece, like aunt). Grade: B-
- Dyson: Men’s fashion is always less exciting because it’s fairly straightforward. Regardless, Kris Holden-Ried wears great suit; he looks dashing and dapper. Grade: A
Fashion Rocks: There’s something so enjoyable about watching girls fight in formal wear, and seeing Bo grapple with Zeus in heels and evening wear is hilarious. The altercation is a little too brief and I don’t believe for a second that that door would hold Zeus back if she really wanted to get back in, but as a capper to the first half of this extended final season, it’s fun to watch Zeus’ face quiver with fear as the sounds of the music box fill the soundtrack. I expect when the series returns for Part Two, we’ll be seeing more of daddy Hades (Eric Roberts) – only in the flesh this time, not just as part of Bo’s hallucination.
Doccubus Love: Lest we forget, Bo also let Lauren know that even though the timing is never right, she wants to pursue something. I’m reticent to get too excited by this since we know Bo also saw Dyson in her vision last week, but it’s nice to get a reminder that at it’s heart Lost Girl is also a love story about Bo and her lady doctor.
Best Lines:
- Trick (as everyone discusses the issues at the party): “And the clam dip is fantastic.”
- Lauren (observing Tamsin): “And we’re back. Although it is a very nice back.”
- Bo (asking about Zeus’ character): “The question is, what kind are you: the cool aunt that buys you condoms or the crazy aunt that ruins Christmas?”
- Zeus (when Trick inquires about her protectionary shield): “No glove, no love”
- Bo (examining the leeches): “Pros: won’t leave a mark. Cons: Ew. And ew.”
- Bo (realizing Iris is the Nix): “A ticking timebomb wrapped in a rainbow”
- Bo (when Zeus suggests she’s leaving with the box): “Over my dead hand.”
Your turn: how did the first half of the season shape up? Is Mark as much to blame for setting Iris off as Zeus and Hera? Were the gang dumb for acting like she’s just a little girl? Who is in more danger: Mark or Tamsin? Who had the best dress? And who is the real Big Bad: Zeus or Hades? Sound off below.
Lost Girl has finished airing the first half of its final season. It returns for Part two in the fall on Showcase.