Courtesy of Showcase
Who’s got spirit? Tamsin (Rachel Skarsten) do! She’s got spirit, how ’bout you?!
Let’s bitch it out…Case of the Week/Mythology: After a football star is murdered bearing the mark of the end of day cult, Tamsin (Rachel Skarsten) goes undercover on the pep squad. With Bo (Anna Silk) impersonating a talent scout, the roomies lead an inquiry of the very old looking cheerleading and football teams to find the murderer.
Unfortunately a large portion of the episode hinges on keeping Clay (Dwain Murphy) and Derek’s (Aren Buchholz) relationship a hidden surprise. Once that angle is dispensed with and the dots get connected to Capital Sports, including Horatio (Noam Jenkins), Iris (Shanice Banton) and Elizabeth (Amanda Walsh) who describe themselves as “family.” The stakes feel remarkably low, however: Bo’s encounter with Elizabeth is more flippant than menacing. Despite the revelation that Elizabeth may actually be Zeus, feeding off a small audience of football fans doesn’t exactly strike me with fear. The lightning storm and Bo’s non-healing wound suggest there are more exciting developments to come, however, especially since everyone is now working toward a common goal. Bo and co. are on the same page having pooled their info at the Dhal, and our trio of villains are ready to throw discretion into the wind and begin acting on their plans with half a season still to come.
Fashion: Lauren gets excited by Bo’s purple outfit, but it seems pretty plain jane to me. Perhaps I’m just used to her leather get-up. As for the rest, we get the best of both worlds with Tamsin as she dons both a cheerleading and a football uniform. Fetishes for everyone!
Daddy Issues: Dyson (Kris Holden-Ried) begins instructing Mark (Luke Bilyk) – taking him to crime scenes and boxing with him. The father/son bonding leads to talk of girls until Alyssha Wells (Lisa Marcos) shows up, which ties Dyson back into the ongoing arc and reveals just how little Mark actually knows about Fae laws. Side Note: did anyone else get a Ciara (from S2) -esque vibe from Alyssha? Like despite his protests about Fae/human relationships could she be Dyson’s new “bland-as-dishwater” love interest?.
Silly Trick: Mid-way through the episode Elizabeth shows up at the Dhal to order a cock-a-tell, a 1000 yr old drink that’s used for prophecy. I found it very surprising that Trick (Rick Howland) is so candid about the loss of his ledger to a perfect stranger. While I appreciate giving Howland something to do, this feels out of character. It’s believable that Mark would be an easy mark for Iris because he’s pretty dumb. Trick is supposed to be old and wise!
Other Observations:
- There’s a fair amount of catty back and forth tension between Tamsin and Lauren regarding their feelings for Bo, so it’s not big surprise that Tamsin ends the episode by dropping the GF bomb. We had discussion in the comments last week about Tamsin and Bo and I’ve gotta say that I’m just not feeling it. It feels too sudden and out of the blue for Tamsin to be all gah-gah over Bo. Am I alone?
- The bitchy cheerleader diva off involving an impossible series of moves is a little too Bring It On for me. But seriously, where’s this girl from, Romania?
- I’d forgotten that Bo hasn’t told her friends that her dad is Hades. How long is that going to remain hidden now that Ancient Fae have been revealed as the Big Bads?
- Cassie (Vanessa Matsui) update: still blind, still moaning about the apocalypse. Go Cassie!
- Finally, Cheryl Hickey, a Canadian entertainment reporter, cameos as the reporter interviewing Clay at the press conference. I know she doesn’t cover sports normally, but her performance is shockingly stiff considering how much time she spends in front of the camera.
Your turn: are you excited for the Ancient Fae storyline? Did you find the football field showdown anticlimactic? Did Trick act out of character? Is Alyssha a new love interest for Dyson? Is Mark growing on you? And how long until Bo comes clean about her own daddy issues? Sound off below.
Lost Girl airs Sundays at 9pm EST on Showcase in Canada