Courtesy of Showcase
Following the two part premiere, Lost Girl revisits the case of the week format as Bo (Anna Silk) struggles with her responsibility.
Let’s bitch it out…
Case of the Week: After Musashi, a famous Japanese Fae, is nearly assassinated he hires Bo and Tamsin (Rachel Skarsten) as bodyguards. Turns out that he’s on the verge of Ascending (been there), and someone seems determined to prevent that. It turns out to be his sister, who hired the hit because because her brother is being dishonest about his exploits and he will become a filth licker if he doesn’t confess before the Ascension.
The case itself is pretty open and closed (it all plays out in relatively straightforward fashion). In fact the case seems to exist in order to reinforce some pretty obvious parallels between Musashi and Bo. They’re both “chosen” ones who have to accept the responsibility that comes with power. The difference is that Musashi elected to take on the mantle and its accompanying burden when he took credit for his sister’s exploits. Bo, on the other hand, has never had a choice: from the first day we meet her, she’s been the exception to the rule, the unaligned succubus, and now the Chosen One. Rightfully Musashi ends up cleaning toilets like the filth licking demon he is by the end of the hour. Bo, meanwhile…
Bo Bo: In the wake of Kenzi’s departure, Bo loses her sex drive, which makes her vulnerable to even the most basic injury. It doesn’t take a Blood King (Trick Howland) to figure out that her issue is psychological. Hell, the painting/redecorating (in green?!) is a dead give away. Ultimately it takes a harsh dressing down from Tamsin to get Bo to confess that she’s afraid of losing them all, which kinda makes sense when she goes down the list of people she already has lost. Yay for Hale, Boo for Rainer. Ugh…let us never speak of Rainer again.
Wolf and the Doctor: It seems like we’re going to see more of Dyson (Kris Holden-Ried) and Lauren (Zoie Palmer) working together. The repercussions of Lauren’s actions against the Morrigan are coming back to haunt her in the form of death threats and she turns to the wolf for self-defense lessons. Watching Dyson instruct Lauren on how to toss throwing stars, I was struck by the fact that she’s capable of defending herself using her medical concoctions, so why does she need other kinds of weapons? Then lo and behold, she tosses a syringe full of ketamine to kill the man who attacks her in the clinic. It’s like I could write this show!
Mythology/Arc: Our random elevator victim from last week, Elizabeth Hale (Amanda Walsh), turns up in the morgue and – shockingly! – she’s not dead. Lauren hasn’t been able to identify what kind of Fae blood was found on the scene, but something tells me that Lizzie has been taken over by the spirit of Persephone (remember the lit candle is supposed to let her out of Tartarus?)
Ohhh Fashion! Outfit of the week has to be the pink plastic massage parlour, though the painting combo (featuring a pop of pink bra) is classic Bo. Leave it to her to infuse sex into an everyday activity like home renos.
Other Observations:
- I had just observed that Dyson seemed incapable of wearing a shirt and then Lauren remarks on that same idea! Not that I’m complaining, mind you.
- Lauren’s lab tech has a shit day, no?
- Finally, I think we all blame Jean Luc Picard for what happened to Kenzi.
Best Lines:
- Tamsin (after Bo protests that she might have been doing something important on Bo on the computer): “Like porn?”
- Lauren (holding a broom): “I’m warning you: I’m armed. And I’m very toned.”
- Lauren (asking Dyson to train her): “I was thinking less pantie removal and more self-defense.”
- Bo (revealing the truth behind the legend): “Dirty laundry. Meet air.”
- The banter between Tamsin and Lauren as they listen to Bo and Dyson have sex is amazing. And it just goes on and on!
Your turn: did you enjoy the return of the case of the week? Would you enjoy seeing a spin-off featuring Bo and Tamsin as Kill Bill-esque bodyguards? Are Dyson and Lauren a good team? Do you think Persephone has risen? And did you miss Kenzi? Sound off below.
Lost Girl airs Sundays at 9pm EST on Showcase in Canada. And don’t forget to check out the Bitch Awards, celebrating the best (and worst) in film and television for 2014 – posts go up Monday-Friday for the next two weeks!