Courtesy of Showcase / Syfy
Now this is more like it! Lost Girl finally gets the pieces right in an episode that has everything you’re looking for.
Let’s bitch it out…If I’ve been hard on Lost Girl, it’s because I love the show and I know what it can deliver when it’s firing on all cylinders. The first episode of the season was amazingly campy in all the right ways, but kept introducing debbie-downer moments that felt out of place. The second episode eliminated virtually all of the fun and focused waaaay too much on new character Tamsin (Rachel Skarsten), who’s a bitch with a capital B.
This third episode, however, gets everything right. By refocusing the story on Bo (Anna Silk) the case of the week becomes all about our protagonists, so there’s an urgency to the proceedings and increased audience investment in the plot. Instead of spending time on other people, the show focuses entirely on the main characters that we know and like.
In addition to refocusing the attention onto our heroes, the episode also pays off previous conflicts from an earlier episode (which I love). Here it’s the reintroduction of Bo’s feud with The Morrigan (Emmanuelle Vaugier) after they backstabbed and blackmailed each other last season in 2×21 ‘Into The Dark’.
In many ways this episode reminds me of one of my favourite episodes of the series: 2×09 ‘Original Skin’ (when everyone body-hopped). It’s clear that these kinds of storylines provide a fun acting exercise for the cast because it allows them to play someone else and just let go. Narratively there’s also traditionally a payoff because these episodes provide an ideal opportunity to mix up the group dynamic and frequently expose secrets. While ‘ConFaegion’ doesn’t succeed quite as well as Original Skin (the regression of three principles to teenage states doesn’t tell us much about them that we don’t already know and they’re swinging for some pretty broad teenage antics), it’s still a ton of fun to watch Silk, Kris Holden-Ried and newcomer Skarsten let go and play their characters in a different way.
The best part for me is actually the relationship drama when Lauren (Zoie Palmer) and Kenzi (Ksenia Solo) finally address their dislike for each other. There are a few moments that don’t quite resonate with me (Kenzi’s indignant refusal to Paul Amos’ Vex that she doesn’t cheer for Team Dyson felt particularly un-genuine), but when Lauren finally pushes the issue, it’s cathartic. These two have disliked each other since Day 1 so it’s nice to see them clear the air (and for Lauren to stand up for her Doccubus love).
If anything I would have liked more of this because it feels like issues are just coming to the surface and then the women put the kibosh on it. Ultimately the conversation is too easily dismissed as “emotional”, which is frustrating. Still, the recognition that there’s friction between Lauren and Kenzi feels genuine and I’m glad that it’s been addressed because it was strange that Lauren put up with Kenzi’s snark for this long. Bravo to both Palmer and Solo on these scenes.
Other Observations:
- Other “Cheer” worthy moments include an opportunity for Kenzi to kick all kinds of ass after being imbued with power from the Stick of Righteousness. Her glee in experiencing super-powers (however momentarily) is fantastic and the stunt team really makes her fight with the three man-pigs memorable
- Although the outcome of Vex’s crisis of conscience and ultimate siding with our heroes is pretty evident from the get-go, Amos still sells it. I’m disappointed that he’s taking a journey to rediscover himself (aka leave the show temporarily) since I love me some reformed bad boys. Vex is the closest thing to Spike from Buffy that we have on TV since Joss Whedon’s classic went off the air in 2003 (has it really been that long?!)
- Both Hale (K.C. Collins) and Trick (Rick Howland) remain on the sidelines. Here’s hoping that these two will get something worthwhile to play in upcoming episodes because they’re becoming little more than utility players. This is especially disappointing considering Hale’s promotion to Ash. Why is he clocking less screen time that Lachlan did last year?
- Favourite ‘teen behaviour’ moments from the episode: Dyson giddily watching the girls make-out during spin the bottle, Dyson singing half-naked to Duran Duran’s “Hungry Like The Wolf” and Bo and Tamsin writing rhyming poetry about their feelings and then eating each other’s poems
- Finally, one big mythology piece is introduced: what is Tamsin? The new character is on the edge of revealing her true nature when she and Bo share a quiet moment, but she manages to resist. Later, during spin the bottle, Bo has a ‘Dark Fae’ moment after they kiss, prompting her inquiry “What are you?” but Lauren busts in with the inoculation at that exact moment. So the big question is what’s the new girl’s story?
Best Lines:
- Kenzi (reacting to the list of characteristics Lauren uses to describe her): “Yeah, but when I say those things, I’m adorable!”
- Vex: “So why can’t I…?” Lauren: “Get it up?”
- Bo: “Hi, I’m Doctor Lauren and I don’t like to have any fun. Take two frowny-brownies and call me in the morning.”
- Kenzi: “On the con side, I have to learn to do everything with my left hand. I mean…everything”
- Kenzi (as Vex leaves): “I’m gonna miss that A-hole”
What did you think of the episode: did you enjoy Bo, Tamsin and Dyson’s regression? Did you appreciate that Lauren and Kenzi addressed the friction? Do you want to see more from Trick and Hale? And what is Tamsin’s secret (guesses only – no spoilers!). Hit the comments section below with your thoughts
Lost Girl airs Sundays at 9pm EST on Showcase (in Canada) and a week later on Mondays at 10pm EST on Syfy
I watched it earlier today. Good episode!
-Did you enjoy Bo, Tamsin and Dyson’s regression? I really enjoyed their regression. I’m come to the conclusion that she likes Bo, but is also jealous that Dyson and Bo did date. It’s such a real life thing and I like that it’s there.
Back on topic, I found them to act really well. The Ladies were great, but Dyson was totally 100% teen. It was spot on. I was wondering when he would pass a note to Tamsin to give to Bo with the check boxes for “yes” or “no”. That would have been great.
I would have liked for Dyson or even the pig-men (did they say their actual name) to distract Lauren, so that we could have gotten deeper into who or what she is.
The strip Spin the Bottle was hilarious and well done. The end when they are all at the bar, where they think they don’t remember anything, I think Tamsin remembered something and did not like it at all.
Did you appreciate that Lauren and Kenzi addressed the friction? Actually, I didn’t really care for it. It seemed forced. I also don’t want Kenzi to ever be friends with her. I tired of besties being forced to like their friend’s boyfriend or girlfriend.
Do you want to see more from Trick and Hale? I’d love to see them more. I wan Hale to be more like how he was with The Morrigan. I swear Vaugier gets better each time I see her. I hope she continues to be a thorn in Bo and The Ash’s sides. It’s fun to watch. I love how she talks too.
What is Tamsin’s secret (guesses only – no spoilers!) -I won’t give too much away, but Tamsin did say what she was, but she didn’t understand what she was and Bo noticed it too after they kissed.
Vex was great as usual. I don’t want him reformed. I want him to be reluctant to help, but still help like how Spike was. It’s fun that way.
It’s funny, I use Tumblr a lot and looking at the gifs alone made me interested in it, especially why Hale said what he said to The Morrigan.
Yes, this was a much stronger episode. I agree completely that Vex is a welcome character in the Spike mold and I hope he’ll soon be back.